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Brenda (OH)

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Posts posted by Brenda (OH)

  1. Soap Diva ~

    I have also tested Candlewic's CBL130. Only 1# since I called for a free sample. It is a very close comparison to the J300 IMHO but Make's Scent is closer to me so I keep working with their blends to see if I can make them work. On the upside - Candlewic does occasionally have great wax sales so it may be an option.

    Brenda (OH)

  2. Snow -

    I am now testing the MSC123 alone and blended with soy. Per the lady at Make's it is a dupe of the "original" J50 before the IGI buy out. Pure white in color and same ole consistency. I am liking it much better than the MSC300. Blending seems to be making the MSC123 better for wet spots but alone they are minimal when poured at 150*. Wet spots don't bother me much . . . As far as JS123 and JS 50/50 - I couldn't get them to throw when burning either.

    Brenda (OH)

  3. Hi Bernie ~

    I feel your pain - I too love J300 and have used it for a long time. When I heard they were discontinuing it I began testing many months ago. I am still undecided on a replacement. Right now I am testing different ratios of soy and parrafin blends trying to come up with something I like just as well. Until then The Candlemaker's Store in Ohio still has the J300 in stock so I keep getting a few cases at a time until I find my replacement. Make's Scent in Ohio has had the J300 duped and I tested it but it seemed quirky to me. It was a good wax but I am still testing . . . Good luck :D

    Brenda (OH)

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Same wick, same jar, same wax, but such a huge difference! The only thing I could figure is it's the differences in the FOs. I dunno.

    Each fragrance oil is different. Some are lighter (like florals) and some are real heavy (like vanilla and cinnamon based scents). Even tho your jar and wax combo doesn't change your wick size will for the scent you are pouring.

  5. I use the J50 from Makes Scents candles in Ohio. I have always had wet spots. Now I am going to try Makes Scents MSC300, supposed to be less wet spots but I just got it yesterday. Gonna make some today and try the new wax. I find the J50 has a great scent throw but does not make the prettiest candle due to wet spots. JS123 made a good looking candle with no wet spots but I couldn't get it to throw, so back to J50. I also got a new case of J50, haven't tried it yet. I will post on the MSC300 in a few days.

    I am currently testing Makes Scents MSC123, alone and blending with soy. It is a J50 dupe, cheaper, and so far testing very good. No air bubbles or sink holes poured at 150* and actually minimal wet spots in my jars. I have read somewhere that the J50 and J223 has changed since the IGI buy out from Astor.

  6. I tested the MSC300 from Make's and it is a good wax. The only problem I had was inconsistency with scent throw in some scents between the J300 and MSC300. I am currently testing MSC123 and 415 soy at different ratios and am liking it much better. I currently use J300 and am trying to find a replacement since I know stock is dwindling. I am also testing Candlewic's CBL 130 and liking it very much. But you can't beat Make Scents prices on the MSC300 and MSC123. Especially if you can pick it up to save on delivery.

  7. I was doing some google searches and wasn't coming up with much except for those who have candles scented with it....they must have found it somewhere...unless they are an independent selling Mia Bella....it sure sounds like an interesting fragrance....


    I have never smelled it but had a lady who want a BUNCH of candles if I can find it. I'll ask to see if she has a candle I can sniff. Maybe something would be close out there under a different name. It does sound like an interesting scent :drool:

  8. I admit I have finally got the courage to ask this question - :tiptoe:

    What wax have you found to replace the J300 since the Astor / IGI buy out? I have tested so many pre-blends and still haven't completely made my mind up on which to switch to. Just thought I would ask what others have found comparible.

    Many Blessings ~ Brenda

  9. I have a request for this scent from Mia Bella. I did a search and came up with a post from last November. Does anyone know if this scent has been duped by any supplier yet? I'm not having any luck and thought I would ask.

    TIA ~ Blessings ~ Brenda

  10. I recently purchased 3 scents from Bittercreek for the reed diffusers. Two out of the three just don't have a scent throw. I was wondering could I add some fragrance oil like cinnamon or pine to increase the throw. If anyone has any info it would be helpful, I hate to waste the oils. If I can use them for other things that would be good too.

    I would not add straight fragrance oil since it may clog the reeds and you would be at square one. I blend fragrance oil with reed diffuser oil and they throw wonderful. You could try to add a 50/50 combo of both see if that helps.

  11. I have a full pot of wax and went to check on it as it was melting. Normally it takes a good half hour or more to melt completely. When I checked it the temp was over 250* and smelling! and also a bit yellowish in color. My question is has anyone had this happen? Do I have to pitch out the entire batch or will it still be useable?

    (I have a few choice words right now but will spare you all from my parrot tongue)

    Blessings ~ Brenda

  12. I am new to making soaps and have started with M&P. I am hoping this is the right place to post this question . . .

    I am looking for plastic containers to package my individual soaps in. I have seen on some on other soapers websites that look almost like they pour the soap in the mold like container then close it when the the soap has set. Does this make sense? :undecided (I warned you, I am very new to this :D )

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