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Everything posted by netriaus

  1. That's really, really nice! It's unique, which is what you want. The only this is this - I'm worried that the tag line will be difficult to read when the logo is sized down to print.
  2. Wow!! When I grow up, I wanna swirl like that.
  3. That's some gorgeous soap! Congrats on such a beautiful batch... and a first one, at that! You're quite talented.
  4. I bought some lye from lowe's the other day. It was about 7 bucks for a two pound can. Much more expensive than if you were buying it in bulk, but since I'm only a hobbyist, and don't want a 50 pound container of lye, it works for me.
  5. Thanks a bunch, ladies. I just popped into the soap room, and they did darken a little more over last night and today. I didn't scent the white part, so it should stay white.... just what I wanted.
  6. Your personal information is not on the internet anywhere publically? Then WTF is this: http://who.godaddy.com/whois.aspx?domain=summerbeemeadow.com&prog_id=godaddy and this, too: http://www.whitepages.com/10001/search/FindPerson?firstname_begins_with=1&firstname=&name=Mushynsky&city_zip=&state_id=
  7. Your contact information was made public by YOU when registered your domain name; I found your contact information through a simple whois of your URL while I was waiting for your reply to my first order inquiry. NOONE has said ANYTHING that was false about you. I did NOT, however, post your contact information up on these forums and I don't know who did. If you're concerned about your privacy, the registrar of your domain name should have the option to make this information private. Your name and address is also listed in several online telephone directories. I already have posted all of the "interesting" emails I've recieved from you, right here: www.geocities.com/netriaus/summer.htm There's your proof that I have said nothing that has been false about you. You, on the other hand, need to get your facts straight. You've posted the same exact rebuttal, which sites specific incidents, to three different complaints made by three different people.
  8. Suzanne, I'm beginning to wonder if he doesn't think that you and I are the same person and that I'm (or you... or both of us... or whatever he thinks) signing up with multiple names. He made the same exact rebuttal to both of our replies over at the dish.
  9. Wow, I love that. Classic, easy to navigate, and trendy all at the same time. I also love the containers and the product photography. Good job.
  10. Scented with vanilla and ylang ylang, and dusted with gold and white mica from wholesalesuppliesplus.com Do you think it will darken any more?
  11. Oh jesus... he found his way to the dish, too. Even though I joked about it, I swear I didn't do it. This is entering the realm of creepy. This guy has my name and address.
  12. Should I email him a link to this thread? I wonder how riled up he'd get. hehe I won't, though... he's scary. But I do wonder what he'd do....
  13. I actually just soaped the same thing today in the same quantities. It smells really, really pleasant. I used to use them half and half, but really like it much better with the 2:1 ratio.
  14. Hi all! I actually followed a link from another forum (www.soapdishforum.com) with a thread about this exact same topic. I've had the same issues with this supplier as others here, apparently. You can read the emails he's sent me here: www.idealwebcraft.com/summer.htm (apparently, my webserver is having issues right now, so you can also view these emails here: http://www.geocities.com/netriaus/summer.htm If you want the emails with the header info (dates, times, etc.) to get the lapsed amount of time straight (about 4 business days), shoot me an email, its on the site). Also, I've been wanting to enter the realm of candlemaking for awhile now, and have been searching for a good forum to join up. I've spent some time lurking, and candletech seems like just the thing I was looking for. So, although I wish it wouldn't have been a crappy supplier experince that lead me here, I'm still glad I found my way here.
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