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Posts posted by chevcher

  1. last I heard was around 30, but Gena said more were calling & emailing about coming. I will find out Sunday morning for sure. no matter what, we'll have a good time . are you bringing 1# oils ? I'm planning on doing some sniffing & shopping :grin2:

    BTW were any of you interested in getting together Saturday ? if so let me know. We have some announcements & plans concerning next years gathering.

  2. WOW !!!

    absolutely beautiful & very professional presentation-love it ! I wish you much success. Do yourself a favor & quit that FT job. It's not worth it to be pulled in so many directions ,especially when you have such a gorgeous shop to focus all that energy on. take care :yay:

  3. No,it's definately June 24,it's on a Sunday . I don't know if the date on the site was updated. Abbie's been crazy busy lately & I've been bombarding her with emails of who & what to add & what to update. I actually have a few more items to have her add come to think of it .:grin2:

  4. Well it's that time again. preparations for this years event is underway.We had a great turnout in 2006 & hope to top it this year. This years gathering will be held June 24th, more info & directions will be posted on our site as it is updated. (I think the date is incorrect on the site) http://midwesternchandlers.com/

    If you would like to attend,please contact Gena Schank www.heartfeltcandlesupply.com ASAP.

    Thanks a bunch-hope to see you all there !

  5. I was lying awake thinking about this last night .HMMMM, must be the night sweats :eek: I am hoping to pour around mid Jan.after I make my list,but I got called to appear for jury duty :undecided -that stinks cuz' it starts on my B-day :angry2: . Hopefully it won't last too long.Watch,my luck it'll be some serious crime and drag out in court forever :shocked2:

  6. I didn't do this last year either.So here is mine for 2007

    1) Only do the 4 shows that I have planned , no over scheduling like I usually do

    2)clean out all the unused supplies from my shop-sell or give away

    3)stick to my pour schedules-I have a habit of getting sidetracked

    4)stop adding scents that someone requests,that's why I have to clean out the shop !

    5)keep better records:laugh2:

    6)continue to remain humble

  7. That seems to happen alot, when someone is doing well and others seem to think they can "make it big" right off the bat. I had a customer/neighbor that used to buy from me during the holidays,mostly refils. She decided to start making her own candles, because she thought it would be easy & she could make big $$$ :rolleyes2 well her S-I-L is a good friend of mine, and she had the nerve to put her up to asking me where I get all my stuff from, especially certain FO's ( the ones she used to have me pour for her). Me, being the smart alleck I am, told her S-I-L that if she wants that stuff so bad, she can purchase it from me. :D

  8. I hear ya about the scent list. I used to have all that stuff years ago, but I stopped handing out all that info. Now I only offer that to wholesale customers. I have alot of quirky names for my scents just to make them catchy. I get alot of ideas from old cookbooks, and colonial things that inspire me.

  9. I really liked everything that I've ordered so far. I like the spicy stuff ,the hot & cold throw is fab ! I do the goodie bags for the Midwest gathering & they sent a bunch of samples - of course I had to smell them all and they were awesome .

    by all means , go check them out :smiley2:

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