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Posts posted by Billie

  1. When I do swirls in the mold I just get it emulsified ( mixed up good ) and pour out for the colors. I don't bring it to trace or it gets too thick before I get it all done. I think ITPS probably come out better if the main batch is a thin trace when you add the colors back in. They are less likely to come out like mud.

    And my likelihood of having perfect timing-----Priceless.....and not often enough. lol :rolleyes2

  2. Ok? I would love to be able to swirl like that! Do you post your videos here or do you have your own site?

    My niece wanted to see how I swirled the colors in so we made a short video on Utube. It started after everything was mixed up and I was ready to pour off for the colors and swirl. It was mainly just a swirl and unmolding.

    I don't sell, I'm just a soap addict and give to family. :laugh2:

  3. I wanna see the video! I bet it's funny as hell!

    Well it starts off with.... Oh! S--T! and escalates with a lot of fast movement, tossing tools and equipment and increased swearing with each word being worse than the last.. I think I made up some new swear words too. :lipsrseal

    Wayne keeps looking at the video camera and laughing. :laugh2::laugh2:

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