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Posts posted by SliverOfWax

  1. Seeing the prices that Hallmark (and others) charge for candles should be a stout reminder to not sell yourself short!

    I certainly realize that you can't charge more than your market will bear, however....take a chance and mark your candles up a bit more than you think you should. Then, go out and market them proudly. You might be pleasantly surprised how well your customer responds. We can be our own worst enemy when it comes to placing a value on the things we create.

    You got that right! $5 prices on jelly jars make would-be customers think your candles are no good.

  2. Thanks for the info. Now I know I don't have a probles with frosting.:D So do any of you have the wax pulling away from the container? If so how do you fix it?

    Those are called wet spots. The solution is to pour cooler. No matter how many people tell you to warm your jars before pouring, don't waste your time.

  3. You should get a good digital scale and measure fo in grams.

    You don't need a heat gun. Oldtime chandlers never use them. Waste of money and oxygen.

    Save enough wax back so you can do repours.

    And you don't need to heat your jars. Waste of time and energy.

    Be sure you're using container wax.

  4. Like I said, this was covered right here on this forum a couple to three weeks ago. Maybe a simple "I can vouch for them" would suffice. So, too would a simple "anybody know about this company" have been a sufficient way to start the thread. WTF, followed by accusations of scamming seems an unusual way to start a thread from someone so new to the business/forum.

    It is impossible to make money without spending money on some form of advertising, be it a sample box, brochures/business cards, or craft show fees. Getting samples into the hands of buyers is legitimate and the concept has been around for many, many years.

    Think carefully before jumping the gun and accusing someone of scamming. At least do some research. I think that's all anyone is asking.

  5. These boxes from various sample box entities have been going out for a long time. They are definitely not a scam.

    This topic was covered on this forum recently. Tweek is new here. Too new to be pronouncing things she hasn't heard of to be scams. A little research goes a long way. Simply clicking on the website would have educated Tweek enough to have not started such a post. I'm sorry it happened because now those who participate in the boxes have to come to a lengthy defense.

  6. It sounds like you've got some work to do. A customer ordered something that is no longer available, so you sent her the remainder of her order and didn't bother to notify her than some items were out of stock? I would be very angry, too.

    You are shipping or refunding late, your inventory isn't up to date? You need to go back to the drawing board.

    Sorry, but from a customer viewpoint, that's how I would see it.

  7. They are called Turk n' Surf and are made by Masterbuilt. Do a search. You'll find them. Look on Ebay. It's unlikely you'll find one for under $60, and even around that price, you'll get gouged for another $40 for shipping.

    They have an open heat element. A lot of chandlers use them. I wouldn't. But it's a much cheaper option than a so-called wax melter.

  8. I'm wary of you having space at your own show. It reeks of bias. A professionally run show would never allow you time to man your own space. I would never return to a show where the promoter had the best space and spent time promoting her own products. I wouldn't go in the first place if I knew that fact ahead of time.

    As for paying, no pay, no space, no exceptions.

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