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Posts posted by ShelleyF

  1. 3 minutes ago, Belinda said:

    I've never done any in organza bags but I do have some.

    For a pound of beads you'll get 8-10 fresheners depending on the size of the cookie cutter. I would order beads from Nature's Gardens or Bitter Creek North. I have some Cajun beads that are doing ok too. They are the bigger beads and need to soak a little longer and bake a little longer but I still like them. Stay away from Aroma Beads Online. Their beads used to be great and at a great price but lately have been horrible. Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!

    Thank you. I saw that and definitely won't order from Aroma Beads Online. I love Bitter Creek and Nature's Garden so I will try one of those. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Belinda said:

    I sell quite a bit of fresheners and I'm not online yet. They sell well for me here. I had stated in my precious post that I was having problems with my oven or something but I figured out it was the beads. Be careful who you buy yours from. One company I ordered from regularly changed beads and they've given me nothing but trouble and others are having trouble with them too. Have you ordered beads yet?

    Also on the ratio. I rarely have a fragrance that the beads will soak up 4 to 1. I usually start with about an ounce and a half to a pound, let that soak for a couple of days and then add another ounce, let them soak and then if I see they're going to be completely dry I might add a little more. Usually fragrances like leather and vanilla based will take longer to soak and you won't need as much.

    Thank you Belinda. I've been reading all the posts and don't know where to order from. I haven't ordered yet but want to tonight. Is it better to just make strong scents? I'm making organza bags. Can you make a lot of them with a pound? 

  3. I'm new to making aroma beads. Is it a good profitable thing to sell? Or do you have to sell a lot to make money? 4 ounces of fragrance is a lot. How many 1 oz. sachets can you sell in a pound? I haven't ordered any yet but a lady I know told me it pays great profits.

  4. 2 hours ago, TallTayl said:


    not all businesses are out to make a profit I guess. Or they use eBay to advertise? Not my ideal customer, but it must work for some..

    I did see some people selling for expensive prices. They sold well too. I am not selling for $2.00 with free shipping lol I'm not doing this and paying to make this for others. Also there is a seller buying BBW candles and remeltk g them as melts. And keeping the BBW original names. They are selling like crazy. Made me cringe. 

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  5. I named mine something simple. Shelley's Heavenly Wax Melts. That is my website name as well.  It will be up running very soon.  It is important I have read to have your own website and not Yahoo or gmail. It is more professional. So that is easy for me to answer the phone. Hi Shelley's Heavenly Wax Melts. This is Shelley. lol I do have my domain paid for. My logo is an angel. 

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  6. On 6/4/2018 at 8:16 PM, NaughtyNancy said:


    Same here! As far as being pretty happy so far with the cold and hot throw from wholesale supplies plus FO's. Some of the FO's I am hooked on from them have better pricing, too, and get the job done.

    I really like WSP Blackberry Lemonade. It smells so good I want to drink  it. Lol of course I won't though.

  7. I love WSP oils but I hate Cool Water. There's is great though and it sells. I just hate Cool Water lol but buy it because it is popular. I hate Patchouli but it sells. I lean towards desserts, some fruits all cinnamon scents except those that have pine. I hate pine but my husband loves it lol so I do burn it for him sometimes. He accepts my scents with no complaints. He also loves cool water. I just don't lol

  8. 15 hours ago, NaughtyNancy said:


    I think it is hit or miss, like with most companies. 


    I use a handful of different FO's from bulk apothecary for my own use in body products, occasionally some for close friends or family. In my own experience, most of the FO's are indeed very strong when used in items like this (solid lotion, solid perfume, body butter, etc). Some are extremely strong, while others are simply decent. However, I recommended this company to someone making candles on here not super long ago, and they reported being less than thrilled with the hot throw. So with some of their FO's might be a difference based on what sorts of items you are making, too.


    The main reason I will pay a little extra for some of their FO's in addition to being decently strong, is that their interpretations tend to lean earthy and woody, which I personally really like. A lot their patchouli/saffron/wood stuff is to my liking, and their blends like tobacco vanilla or cardamon cedar blossom have some serious oomph. I put those in some potpourri and it's like goodness gracious lol. I tried their oatmeal stout one for a foodie in my social circle, and that FO about blew my eyebrows off when I opened the bottle. But again that is cold throw / OOB strength. 



    I have the Oatmeal Stout from WSP and love it. It is strong OOB  but I haven't used it yet. But I will soon. I think their oils are great so far. The other ones I used so far have a strong hot throw especially the Cool Water type. 

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  9. 19 minutes ago, Hopie said:

    Not sure, but could it be because it's under the hair and skin fragrances that it costs so much? I've only bought their lotion base, and it was the best I've come across. I tend to buy nearer to me, though, to save on shipping. They're in Ohio, I'm in Arizona. 

    I have heard they are great with all their products. I just can't afford to try them much. 

  10. 36 minutes ago, ncraiders said:

    i completely understand that.  i am on a fixed budget so i don't have that much money to spend each month.  Being legally blind really limits what i can do,  i get less than 800$ a month and that can go fast when buying candle supplies specially fragrance oils.  luckily for me i am doing this as a hobby so i can afford to take my time in buying fragrances to try out.  I am also llucky that my parents let me live with them as i need transportation since i can't drive.

    I'm glad your parents are helping you. You are very blessed to have them. 

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  11. 41 minutes ago, bfroberts said:

    WSP has some spendy oils too.  I've wanted to try their dupe of Happy, but it's about $45/lb, and at that price for the FO plus the other ingredients I'll need, I'm better off to just buy the Clinique products.

    I wonder if the companies are paying  them to raise prices so there won't be as many dupes? I don't blame you. I wouldn't pay it. There are too many other great companies that aren't charging nearly as much. 

  12. 21 minutes ago, ncraiders said:

    holy cow that is not the most expensive fragrance i just found one on there 16 oz - $133.00 that is stupidly ridiculous. 


    why would anyone buy that

    Wow that is ridiculous. What is the fragrance called? That would make for ridiculously high prices wax melts and candles. "This candle is only $75.99" lol now that makes the Shirley Temple one seem cheap.

  13. 34 minutes ago, bfroberts said:

    Their oils are high.  They say they are stronger.  I don't know.  I only have one of their oils....Lemon Sugar....and it IS super strong and oh so very nice.  I am hoarding the heck out of it.  I wouldn't pay $52 for it, but I would pay substantially more than usual.  

    I'd love to know if all their oils are of the same quality, but I'm too cheap to find out on my own.  Hopefully someone that knows will chime in.

    I don't know either but do love their Love Spell.

  14. 1 hour ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    thank you both! getting older is rough lol

    i had surgery on my lower spine, still years later i have no feeling in the back of my right leg plus other issues from being immobile, they want to do another course of steroid injections and if that doesnt work surgery. i have refused both and trying a natural route.taking it 1 day at a time like yall and finally got the motivation to return.. we have a great circle of people here.

    Just realized it should say torn meniscus not tornado lol I hate that you have all of that to deal with. 

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  15. 11 minutes ago, ScentedPleasurez said:

    no i havent, but i heard good things about their oils so this was the time for me to take advantage lol. Thank You!! im not able to do like i once did but im back, so thats great.

    I pray that you will  get  well.i suffer every day myself so I know the pain. It is not fun. I have 2 Achilles heel and a tornado meniscus in my knee. Some days are worse than others. Glad you are here. 

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  16. 8 hours ago, katmeltswax said:

    Shelly not free lol.I do see free ship over $100 thou . I may not jump in on the sale,hardly any reviews on the clearance scents .I do see a few I would purchase if I can get some good feedback on the ones I want to purchase .The Pumpkin cornbread & Maple panne sound good idk .I really do not need another supplier ...lol nor oils 😀

    I was confused as nothing is ever free lol I can't afford any more right now. I have some coming from FB lol I am worried I am getting the same problem of collecting the oils. 

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