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Everything posted by rchvh1

  1. Ok. Newbie here...And I'm pulling my hair out. I'm testing wicks in a 22oz. straight sided, 3.75" diameter jar. Total wax and FO used brought it to 15oz. I like the look of double wicking but am thinking that this is more trouble than it's worth. I started with 2 HTP 62's per seller suggestion for the coconut/soy wax I am using. Flames were teeny tiny and MP was ridiculously small. Changed up to CD12 - also tiny flame. Upped the wick to HTP 105 - better on 1st burn but dancing flames. MP was to the edge on 2 sides. Not so much on the other 2. I am now doing my second burn and the flame is small. Nothing like the 1st burn. Should I try going to a CD 16 or 18 as a single wick? Is that a better idea? Help! Thanks!
  2. Gotcha! Never thought of turning the darn thing upside down. Duh! Thanks for the tip and covering them now makes sense. I was covering them with plastic wrap after they cooled because I was overwhelmed by the smell! Haha!
  3. I think I forgot to add your quote...Thanks for your help on this. I use a coconut/soy combo. Have you heard of covering the vessel while waiting for it to cure? First time I have heard of it.
  4. Thank you! Yes, the one I use if a coconut/soy combo. And it is really hard to wait! Have you heard anything about covering the vessel while allowing it to cure?
  5. Newbie here and thrilled to have found this site! So, I've been told that all candles should be cured for at least 2 weeks. Is that also the case for coconut blends? I was just told that 2 days is fine. Also, I heard this for the first time - I should be covering my candles while they cure. Is this the case? Does that help the fragrance adhere to the wax/not dissipate while curing? So much to learn.....Thank you!
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