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Posts posted by elle110

  1. Hi, not a candlemaker, so wondering, are you saying those are parrafin with no soot? I have never had a parrifin candle not soot and put black all over my walls etc. I have rec'd some Yankme and Root candles and got terrible soot from them.

    I was just curious bcz like a said, I have never seen a parrafin not leave soot.

    Great job on being able to keep it from happening!!!!!


  2. I would not change your jars, I love the simplicity of them, I know lids are nice but quite frankly when I buy a candle and burn they lid goes right in the garbage, I hate having to worry about one more piece of clutter. The ribbons are very nice. I think the look you have is cool, the kind that says more Spa to me than craft show, maybe you could market yourself to boutiques and Spas, those would look great in a basket with B&B items.

    JMHO, I love them, did I say I love them? LOL

  3. If anyone decides to take over where Red Devil left off they are going to be very popular.

    Hey, glad your OK as well. You can try some local chemical companys to see if they have lye and will sell to you, some are picky and won't, we had to go through about 4 companys before one said yes, they are afraid of the liability, understandably


  4. I have had so many people think my soaps were fudge...one guy was helping me load up my car one time with soaps, he comes back to tell me he put all the cheese in the backseat, he was serious, he thought he was loading up cheese, glad he didn't eat it LOL

    A friends son did eat some of my soap thinking it was some kind of dessert item, should have seen his little face when he started chewing

  5. Oh, please don't give me another bomb thingy to become obsessed with:cheesy2:

    I put scrunch rose buds on the end of one of mine, but they don't bloom. Did you buy one to try out and see if it really happened? I am skeptical of things that make those kind of claims so usually end up buying and trying, they get me one way or another:undecided

  6. I would luv to try Morton solar salts, but how would I make them smaller? I've actually never seen them so I'm not sure... would a hammer be the best way or would they work in a grinder of some type?


    I just got a bag and was terrified they were going to be huge, they aren't they are actually only a tad larger than the ones I buy from Soap Wizards. I am going to actually test them out this week on dissolve time etc. I used to get salts bigger than these that my customers love bcz they lasted longer in the tub.

    I really don't think you would need to bust them up unless you make your salts more like a powder



  7. People can be cruel, especially kids, and some of the things they say can be so hurtful and unfortunately they may be learning it from there parents. I mean not only do they make fun of people who are not ethnically unlike them but they make fun of them if they are chubby, have certain colors of hair, are too skinny even. I don't think that anyone is saying that down right ignorance is ok, but everyone needs to lighten up. Not everyone knows what term a certain nationality might preferred to be called, and if they did I guarantee you there is someone within that group who prefers something else, so if no one meant harm or said anything down right ugly, why should it matter which term she said.

    I hate to say but being called a "white" person can be politacally incorrect in certain situations and groups, even if that person is white, but I have never corrected anyone by the way they use it, I don't care if they think just bcz I am a certain color that means I am a certain way. I know I am not. Just the opposite, but I have been judged so harshly in my past job bcz of my color but I just did my job and let people show what they really were.

    Heres my philosophy on people who judge: If a person is judging another so harshly then it is usually the judger who is doing what is being accused...

  8. I think that it should be said that terms are often generational and reigonal. As a twenty something living in Arizona I would use the word Hispanic but I can tell you that some of my older family memebers in other parts of the country wouldn't use that term. I think that what matters is what context words are used in she was obviously trying to be thoughtful I really wonder sometimes if people don't think that there is predjudice and inequality simply because they are looking for it and waiting for it to happen. I think there are terms that would be offensive and I won't put them here but I think we need to relax after all people from America are Americans and people from Canada are Canadians ............... you see where I am going with this.

    Amen Sister!

    I used to work in a mental health agency that was prodominently black (the workers and the clients), I (being white was a minority). I was attacked verbally by another worker for using the word African American, she said that was offensive but if I used the word black to some people that was offensive. I don't see why it matters as long as someone is not using a definitely offensive term what is all the crap about.

    I get so sick of not being able to talk freely sometimes because I don't know when an honest statement might be mistaken, as I see it if someone has a problem with a term, word etc. they need to look at themselves and see why it is pushing a button.

    I hate to say this and probably shouldn't but I will, I believe this country has gotten so caught up in protecting everyones rights, being politcally correct etc they we have somewhat imprisioned ourselves.

  9. Well I wasted two hours lastnight making bath bombs in my betty crocker stand mixer...I'm switching to my KA. The entire time I sat there doing it pushing the stuff into the mixers itself. I think with a KA it knows what its doing.

    What do you use the KA with bath bombs for?

  10. Those looks great! I can't imagine packing up that much stuff, especially 1500 bars of soap! I hope you have a great sale.

    Kris, I saw some similar jars at Walmart tonight too. They were round though but looked pretty good sized and they were $13 each.

    I'm still playing around to find a perfect recipe. Just when I have one I really like, something changes and the fairies reek havoc on them.

    Grumpy, the LLC bombs you posted the other day looked yummy.

    I don't package my soaps, I sell them naked, I display them in galvanized tubs and they are 1/$5 or 5/$20, most people get the $20 special. Believe me, I would go nuts trying to package all this soap.

    I have done this show for 4 years and have really begun to get a feel for the customers and what they want.

    I sell the salts, bombs and soaps naked but have labels for the bombs and salts with ingredients and then have a card that goes in the bag regarding the soaps.

    Anyway, thanks for looking!


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