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Posts posted by Moonstar

  1. My granddaughters birthday is coming up and she wants me 

    to make her unicorn bath bombs 

    i have a purchased recipe from 

    TWH's that I'm going to use but 

    I need some inspiration. Does anyone on here know how to add the eyelashes to the fronts . Are they painted on with mica ? 

  2. 9 hours ago, Trappeur said:

    Well lets see.....ahhhh...well first thing I have to do is get 24  20oz double wicked tureens done for a shop that I was supposed to have delivered today that I haven't started.....I'm bad.  I guess then take up all the blankets out of the cats beds on the porch (there are many) and put in the washing machine for them.  Then I have to sometime tomorrow go pickup an 800 pound round bale of hay for the horses.  Ok lets see.  aaahhh I need to wash my truck but I don't think I will.   Lets see oh yeah, lug some wood off the hill because its supposed to a cold weekend and I guess I'll have to get a fire  going in the woodstove.  What I really should be doing is get working in the basement as my septic tank backed up into the basement and I had a major disaster.  I have floor washing to be done it's unbelievable.  Never had my septic tank pumped for the 27 years I've been living here as when things got stuffed up a bit my husband or I used a mile long snake to clean out the pipes.  Well, now that I'm alone, I had to do it once since my husband died.  But this time around the snake didn't work and had to get a professional in to pump out the septic tank but first we had to try for quite some time to find the location of the tank  I had been noticing that the upstairs toilet wasn't flushing right and my kitchen sink there was always bubbles coming up on the left side of the sink.  One day I went to the basement bathroom that I don't use and haven't been in I bet for a couple of weeks and what do I find?.  Toilet and shower is backed up and the toilet well had overflowed and was coming out under the door that I never go into.  Well after gagging for some time I had a septic company come out which took the 3 days to get here so no shower for 3 days and can't even use any sink...you can imagine..ugh......well the guys jetted out the lines from the cabin and all was good to go.  Sooooo, I can't wait to finally have a shower a nice long 20 minute shower and can wash my dishes....yay!  No problem, I was in heaven.  So next morning I get up and go take another shower and as I walk out of the bathroom I smell sewer....so what is that all about? Hmmmm so I get to the top of the stairs to the basement and look down and what do I see at the bottom of the stairs?  Water....oh no, not water but septic water and the basement is under septic water and whatever.  So now I have to wait till the next day for them to come out and now they come with a different jetter that scrapes all the sides of the pipes and they also bring a camera so they can see everything.  Long story short they never used the proper jetter and I had to take the brunt of all of this and so much furniture, boxes, cabinets, even the wood stove were in this crap.  I was so pissed.  They never did it right the first time.  So now I pay them and the price of getting all my belonging up out of the water I have to deal with.   Then they tell me my septic tank has sunk down on 1 side so the stuff coming out of the pipes doesn't flow down into the tank but somewhat upward,  So now I have to deal with all this coming up...so I need to clean my basement.  Well not today, probably not tomorrow so I guess this weekend and get it done once and for all.  So that is my agenda...








    Omg .. What a nightmare:( 

    I'm so sorry your going thru all 

    this. Honestly, I don't know how you deal with all this . I'd be loosing my mind. I have a few friends that have septic tanks 

    and when they have problems 

    they're always huge and very 

    expensive. Let us know how this 

    turns out for you .

  3. On 1/31/2018 at 2:25 PM, Sarah S said:


    I get that way too. A couple years ago I started going to the tanning beds in the winter. I know, skin cancer, but I play it on the safe side by only doing 10 minutes 1x a week. You would not believe what a difference those 10 minutes of UV rays makes in my energy, recovery, and mood!


    Back to the topic at hand, today is my day off, so it's kind of my "weekend". I just made 2 batches of soap and a batch of sugar scrub. I'm using a tropical beachy fragrance I blended myself, and it exactly what I needed today. 😄

    I have an order coming in from Lotioncrafter soon, I'm hoping it comes by Friday so I can try to make a new face cream over the weekend. I have the formula all written out, I just need the goodies!! And along the lines of my above post, I'm really low on tanning lotion so I need to make some of that too.

    Oh yeah, and my daughter and my pregnant friend are both breaking out really bad, so I'd like to make a nice light oil-free treatment gel for them. Always more projects than time!!

    You make your own tanning lotion 

    wow that's pretty cool 😎 

  4. 1 hour ago, Sponiebr said:

    Yep. I can't tell you how many times I have asked how someone likes a soap and they tell me something to the effect of 'Oh it's still in the car.'
    I'm thinking about adding a storage statement to my label. Maybe something like:

    WARNING! To reduce chance of schism formations in long established relationships store in a cool, dry, dimly lit, secret location that only YOU know about... 


  5. 12 hours ago, Marleigha said:

    @Moonstar LOL.... Yes I do truly feel lucky.  Having the ability to smell them prior to buying is definitely a plus!  😜


    YESSSS!!!! I absolutely LOVE WSP Cotton Candy!  I can't recall who is was to be completely honest but someone from here told me that WSP cotton candy FO is best. So I went to smell it and fell in love!  So I do agree.  I have smelled their Pineapple

    Cilantro and agree it's pretty amazing I just haven't grabbed that one yet.  But do plan on it.  I will have to smell Mango Sorbet from WSP.  I do own the Mango a Sorbet from NG and enjoy it.  But next time I go I will certainly have to give it a sniff.  👍🏼


    Gosh, I haven't used carpet fresh we in 20 plus years.  Sounds like yours turned out amazing!  Did you follow an online receipt for it?  😇

    No recipe. Just winged it lol

    just added some FO to baking soda and let it soak in for a bit . 

    I don't like their lavender vanilla 

    but have been wanting to try 

    Forever Red , I think that's what it's called. Trapper loves the pineapple cilantro from TFC . I might have to try that one  😂 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Marleigha said:

    Your very welcome!  😊   I am happy to help!  I love this forum!  Everyone here is so kind, completely respectful, friendly & extremely helpful.  I feel so lucky to have found you ladies at craft server!  


    But yes, Pink Chiffon is beautiful!  I have some tarts I made about 2 weeks ago now and they smell fantastic on cold.  I will be test melting them this week.  💞


    I have not yet smelled Pink Panties.  😂  Funny name.  There is a actually a building next to WSP that we can walk into and smell mostly everything WSP has but there are quite a few that they do not have in that building as well.  I go there quite often, so if there is anything you would like for me to smell check for you just LMK.  I know we all have different noses, but knowing if it's light or strong OOB will definitely help.  It stinks to sometimes get a bottle of FO that you thought you would love and you get it and OOB it's super light.  😢  That's why I feel so lucky to live within 40 minutes of WSP, 15 minutes from NG and 45 minutes from Bulk Apothecary.  But other places like CS, FB, CAS, FC, etc... I have to just read the description and the reviews and take a chance.  Anyhoo... HTH!  😇

    You lucky dog lol 😂 I didn't know NG was also in Ohio . If you haven't tried WSP Cotton Candy , try it .

    its so, so good 😊 I also love the 

    Pineapple Cilantro & Mango Sorbet

    Last week I made a quick carpet freshner just for my personal use 

    baking soda with some Mango 

    Sorbet FO . Sprinkled on my carpet and vacuumed. The whole house smelled great ! 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Marleigha said:

    Hi Moonstar!  I absolutely ❤ WSP's Pink Chiffon!  It's perfect in every way & IMO lacks nothing!!!!!  The best way that I can describe it is..... A pink scent that has a creamy vanilla tin as well as a touch of woods.  It's is surely a sweet FO.  As crazy as this may sound.... It smells kind of similar to Sweet on Paris.  Except Pink Chiffon has a little something extra but it's absolutely stunning!  I wear it as perfume sometimes, it's so lovely!  I am extremely picky about my FO's and love for them to be strong and I can tell you that this one is a WINNER!  Not to mention the price point for this one is amazing!  I live local to WSP so I just always go out there to smell FO's before I buy.  I believe WSP now has free shipping on anything over $25 so if you decide that you want to try this one, it will also be free shipping. HTH!  💞💞💞

    Thank you so much 😊 I'm sold I'll have to give it a try . I also saw a 

    FO called Pink Panties ??? Lol 😆 

    have you tried that one ?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, kfintoni said:

    So you are all bad enablers. So I placed an order with Community. And I see that I completely forgot to order the Luxe Linen, the fragrance I went there to get. This is what I ordered:


    Tuscan Lemon Blossom

    Tropical Serenity

    Beach Bohemian

    Rainbow Twist

    Barnwood & Burlap: Curious if this will be like the plain Barnwood that I get from Aztec

    Bohemian Christmas

    Lavender Eucalyptus

    Warm Bourbon Cider

    Witches' Cauldron:  I am assuming this will be similar to Witches Brew

    Odor Eliminator Additive Candles: I usually use Odor Eliminator from CS so I thought I would give this a try, Has anyone used it and I would think it would eliminate the actual candle fragrance?

    Zinc Core 60-44-18z 3 inch: I am going to try this on the pesky 2.5 oz jars I have been trying to wick.

    Crystallizing Container Palm Wax: I thought I would give this a try but I am not sure if some of my customers will turn their nose up at Palm


    Karen in MA





    I'm curious to hear how you like the Tuscan Lemon 🍋 and the

    Bohemian Christmas 🎄  

  9. 22 hours ago, Marleigha said:

    I have the Pink Chiffon FO from WSP.  I absolutely love it OOB.  I made parasoy melts with them about 10 days ago and on cold they smell amazing!  Haven't yet test melted any of them, but what I have seen so far, I'm impressed!  💁🏼

    How would you best describe it ?

  10. 3 hours ago, Shari said:

    I just recently ordered it from WSP.  It was one of my favorite colognes before Bath & Bodyworks discontinued it.   I plan on making my own if it's any good.  Should be here in a couple days. If it's not close I'll have to try some of the others mentioned.

    Please repost when you get this is from WSP. 😊

    • Like 1
  11. On 2/14/2018 at 3:26 PM, Trappeur said:

    Wow, those Voluspa candle are complete liquid in an hour? that is very interesting as you don't want a candle to do that.  And they are a huge company.



    The candles are awesome though 

    i buy them all the time & the scents 

    are just lovely & truly fill up a room 

    with scent quite quickly. I've never 

    had any issues with them whatsoever. 

  12. On 1/23/2018 at 3:04 PM, Flicker said:

    Sure you can. I personally (and this is my personal thoughts only) don't care for them. In my experience I found soy didn't melt quite as nicely, and didn't firm up as well for removal from the burner cold. I also found the scent tended to burn out faster. Again this was just my personal observation when comparing EcoSoya 135, Ez Soy, and IGI 4786 and IGI 4794. Scentsy's wax is more similar to IGI 4786 in my experience. I personally use 4786 BUT again, you can absolutely use a soy wax or a soy blend. Test a variety to see what works best for YOU! :)

    I've never tried 4786 . I think I'll give it a try, thank you for the suggestion:) do you blend with another wax or use alone ?


  13. On 12/6/2017 at 12:40 PM, Sarah S said:

    @Moonstar, when I've made tarts with Candlewic's CBL129 they were somewhat transparent. You couldn't see through them, but they were almost like a super thick stained glass, only not as shiny. Definitely not a flat opaque like other waxes. Isn't the IGI 4627 kind of transparent too? I bet if you mixed the two you'd get pretty transparent tart.


    I am always astounded at how rabid people can get over ridiculous stuff. Their lives must be pretty empty if they can waste that much time and energy on such minutia...

    I think the same thing. It's almost like a sickness. One lady was talking about how she ripped into the BBW lady for not having a certain scent in stock and how she drove across state lines to buy the one she wanted. Don't these people have jobs ??? Lol 😂 just very unhappy and empty lives from what little I've seen. Personally, I can't tolerate mean spirited people 

    on a positive note I will try your suggestion on candelwic wax

    ive never used any of their waxes 

    thanks for the tip 😊🙌🏻

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. On 1/11/2018 at 4:09 PM, RobinGu said:

    The wax reviews are off the charts. Since this is my self imposed down time I frequently watch videos, what they burn down to how its packaged. They want highly fragrances items, great scent throw etc. Downright demanding, however it simply astounds me as to how much $$ these customers spend. At my shows I engage my customers, educate them and explain all I can. The videos while an insight into what people look for I have found that these customers rely heavily on what other customers tell them and we all know what happens in a room when you tell a secret to 1 asking them to pass it on it gets distorted. I personally love my all paraffin wax, but have come across a few fragrances that fade quickly.

    May I ask which FOs fade quickly 

    in your experience? 

  15. On 1/10/2018 at 3:03 AM, Velma said:

    I'm a member of several wax groups on FB, and it amazes me how much they spend on tarts, clamshells, etc.  I've ordered from 8-10 vendors that the "waxies" adore and I found most of them to be....ok.  Scent wise some were boring, their melts were not stronger than mine, and one vendor I think adds a single note scent to all of their blends to give them a unifying scent.  I found one that was really innovative in their blends and am a huge fan, and one that was really unique in their branding. The others seem to be a lot of hype, as far as I am concerned. The makers must be really good at PR and promoting their brand. 

    I too agree with both you and TT

  16. 20 hours ago, ellajoan said:

    WaxingPoetic, does the EO version work in soy candles?


    Ive never had any luck with using EO in candles or in tarts. In candles you can barely smell it and citrus EO always had a fuel smell while burning. 

    Considering the cost of Eo and how much you would need, I personally  don't think its worth the trouble and cost of not only the Eo but the wax. 

    But you might have different experience + better results that I did. Give it a try and see what you think :) Let us know how it worked for you.

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