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Posts posted by anhoki

  1. Nope. I pour the "solid" layer first. Let it set and do the second. I do, often, dig into the solid layer while swirling the top. I'm learning to stop that though....

    A - do you pour the swirl layer first and get that all done and THEN pour the solid color layer? I'm trying to figure out how you avoid messing up the solid layer when you swirl. That's the only thing I can figure out.
  2. I'm a night person. If it weren't for my kids I would sleep while John is at work and work at night. When everyone else is sleeping is when I am at my best. Always been like that. Coffee....A pot ready every second.....

    Holy Cow Patties those are Amazing!

    That Vanilla Spice bar is truly an inspiration...and just HOW you came up with the fortitude to do THAT at 1 am is incredible! I couldn't manage that with a week of restful sleep and then a pot of coffee under my belt, LOL!

    Fantastic job!

  3. Vanilla Spice made at ! AM this morning....


    I did this one at 1 AM this morning and cut it at 11 AM this morning. ROCK SOLID already. I could play hockey with it and it would break the stick. Love this one.......Another swap soap......

    THIS one almost made me cry....I shredded this purple confetti batch


    And made a new batch of Black Pepper and Witches Brew with the top like this....


    I just don't know....:tiptoe: The purple was supposed to be DEEP...It's SO NOT deep. I'm hoping something will darken up and bring this to life....

    I should cut it later tonight or first thing tomorrow and we will see.....Crossing fingers and toes it does something other than get ligther....

  4. When I went to pick Katie up from school I had a bag o' goodies in my hand. I placed it on Amy's desk and told her it was for the teachers. I explained that there was a cuke melon lip balm and soap for each teacher. Instead of waiting until I left to distribute them she stopped what she was doing and made a big deal about it. SO I guess all is well now. I had planned on bringing the teachers a different soap and wanted Monday to be about Katie and the kids. Oh well.

    I LOVE these soaps too. Thank you so much for the kind words on them. My girls love them and that is who they were for. :D

  5. It was a big hit. I have to send more for Katie's teachers since I had just enough for the kids. I think one of the teachers got offended because I said we needed to make sure the kids had all the bars before the teachers. SERIOUSLY. That is just wrong in my book. Anyways....I'm happy with them and so appreciate everyone's comments. These soaps are so fun to make.....:D

  6. These are for my girls and their classes. Pink Sugar aka ROCK STAR!!!! :D

    This one is for Katie and her preschool class. I also gave some to the kindergarten teachers at Camryn's school. Scented Pink Sugar on the bottom only.....


    Round two and batch I am MOST proud of...AKA Dave Navarro


    Katie has to have ten things that describe her. She LOVES to help me make soap so she thought I should make her some. Camryn loves to show mommy's soaps off so I made her a batch but a tad different. I like the second one better myself. :D :D :D :D :D :D

  7. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of the original batch I had for a swap so I made a little something different. I blended Black Pepper with Linden Blossom. John says it has a citrusy smell to it so I made the base tangerine color and the swirl the same. Shall cut tomorrow....


  8. Started with this one...Tangerine Lavender


    I will give this to Katie's teacher when she starts preschool on the 14th. Per Katie's request.

    This one is the Black Pepper & Tangerine Lavender blend. Still working on that name...


    And finally the straight up Black Pepper. This one is solid black on the lower half


    My house smells FANTASTIC! Just wanted to share....:P:yay:

  9. I'll tell ya...I'll make the soap and you can name it and we will be rich.. :highfive:

    I like Fire and Fruit. I want to see what it looks like done and unmolded first though.....

    It is very beautiful.

    You can call it:



    Mount Lava

    Fire and Fruit

    Boing Bar

    Season of the Sun

    Rising Star

    Sweet N Hot

    Morning Motivation

    Passionate Pucker


    Red Zone

    I love makin up names I can go on forever!

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