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Posts posted by Vanmala

  1. Thanks! That's exactly what I'm doing now...:tongue2: I just realized I offer more than 30 scents and I'm doing more than 30 copy-paste!!! Not that 38 is a high numebr of scents, but when doing these kind of things they are too much!!

    Yeah, I have 31 scents but one good thing is you only need to do it once if you have several products with the same scents. :D Then all you have to do is copy and paste the scent options from that product and add them to your other's.

  2. FedEx throws all of my packages out at my mailbox-when I check online if somethings been delivered, they say it was left at the front door....um, last time I checked that is NOT my front door. I live in the country and my mailbox is on the main road about 1/2 mile away from my house. ARRGgggghh!!

    OMG! There's NO excuse for that.

    I have NEVER had any delivery service throw my boxes anywhere. They are either placed by the door on the front porch or they walk through my garage and place them by the entrance door to the house.

    It just may be the area we live in or the fact that I give my drivers chocolate dipped pretzel rods or homemade cookies once in awhile :wink2:

  3. I can understand your frustration about this and would definately call the office to complain. He had time to yack on a phone but no time to place a box down where it belonged? (shaking my head here)

    It's not just Fed Ex that is careless, UPS is also. My SIL worked in the UPS warehouse for a few months and he told me that they have a certain time to load so they throw boxes. He said they even throw computers, glass, etc. He cringed when he heard stuff break.

    I am sure this and more goes on that we are not aware of.

    With the restrictions the post office put on fragrance oils, perfumes, etc. we really have no other choice but to ship with Fed Ex, UPS, etc.

    I have received dirty broken boxes from both Fed Ex and UPS but I've also received nice clean ones.

  4. LOL! Wrap your soap in pretty paper with ribbon and then you won't have to look at them. :grin2:

    What seems to sell better for you? Glycerin or Natural?

    I've never made the natural lye soaps only glycerin but I appreciate the lye soaps and look of them. When my crafter friends throw some my way I am in my glory :wink2:

  5. Thanks again :yay: . This will be the 1st grandchild and he will be a spoiled little booger! My husband keeps saying this kid just doesn't know what he's in for with us for grandparents. :grin2: Found a onsie that says, "Who needs a piggybank I got Grandma". I bought it!! LOL.


    I was just 37 when we had my first grandchild. She lived with me until she was a year old and now she is 19 and living with me again :wink2:

    Congratulations on the upcoming birth!

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