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Posts posted by siberia

  1. It really is a personal preference. I have come to the realization after some extended experience with soaping (and making candles), I was initially overdoing it in the fragrance department. Especially with soap. Less is more IMHO.

    I also think that one must take in to consideration the method of soaping you use. While I have never HP'd soap (I'm a CP'r) I would think that logic dictates one would use even less fragrance when soaping HP.

    Generally speaking, I use .5 ounce of FO or EO per pound of raw soap...sometimes less if the oil is particularly strong. HTH :)


  2. I haven't tried Select Shades yet. I think I am going to wait until the fallout from recent troubles others seem to have had is over.

    Is the red still changing colors? I'd be interested in hearing about what color the soap finally decides it wants to be.

    Your neighbor has the right idea. Hey, no fair, you've already started your Christmas shopping. Bah humbug (I think that's how you spell it), it seems like Christmas comes earlier every year. :eek:

  3. lol Don't you just love soapy surprises? I cannot tell you how many times I was going for one color, say purple, and watch it morph into brown-green right before my eyes. hate that.

    Maybe it's my monitor but the first thing I thought of when I saw your soap was Ronald McDonald. It's very festive looking. If you don't mind my asking, what did you use to achieve such a vibrant red?

    Anyway, I think it's wonderful looking...very cheery! :D

  4. Hi! Sodium hydroxide (NaOH/caustic soda) is used to make solid soaps (bars of soap). Potassium hydroxide (KOH/caustic potash) is used when making liquid soaps or "soft soaps" such as shaving paste, etc. You cannot substitute one for the other. HTH!


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