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Everything posted by moonrose64

  1. I use this base and love it. I have added, Emu, coconut oil, Shea butter, Mango Butter, Hemp Butter and a few others to it. Always turns out nice. You just have to play with the qty you add to it. Never had the base get to soft on me . HTH
  2. I also just got my sample. It was a nice surprise since I forgot about it too. lol I got creme brulee with mine. I have never smelled 1 I liked before. But this brulee is awesome. Thanks greenleaf.
  3. Wow, sorry some you got taken. Ever wonder if she might be a member on here? Bet she comes here and gets websites from the siggys
  4. Fruit stripe gum type(my own) Black Cherry –Candle Cocoon Pink Peppercorn- Just Scent Blueberry Muffin- Natures Garden Fresh & Clean- The Candlemakers store Bahama Coconut- Rustics Vanilla Crunch- Candle Source Essence Of Jesus - Rustics
  5. I know I would be very appreciative if someone told me where to find these. Sure would be nice for shipping them that way...
  6. I think Rustics Northcountry Blueberry is the best yet.
  7. What? What scent do you think would work with oakmoss? I really don't like it on it's own. Only bought it to do hunting soap with, but want to do more with it. Any ideas? Thanks
  8. Nope, I used to get mine from candlewic. Which they don't sell anymore. But I like your idea. I will see if this other place would send me a sample. Thanks for the idea.
  9. Well I tried more votives with this. I have an idea I was sent the wrong wax. Either that or the formula changed. I don't know, But I do know I never had a problem with the pellets. This looks exactly like 6228 when put next to it, and the place where I got this from did sell 6228. I'm wondering if that is what I got. Not a clue since there isn't a label anywhere to be found. Astorlite V is the only wax I ever used to make votives so I know how this wax acted, and this new stuff is not acting right. And I have a whole frigging case of it. GRRRRRRRRRRRR
  10. Ok I need to know if anyone is having problems. I used to use astrolite V in pellet form. Now it comes in slabs. The votives I made with pellets were all perfect. Burned great for me no problem. This slab wax does not want to burn right. I have not changed wicks either. I used all Lx in my votives before. Now using them with this slab wax isn't working. They are tunneling and not getting full melt pool. I even used exact same scents as before. Has anyone else had this problem? Did they change this wax in anyway? Do I have an imposter wax? HELP!!!! Please...
  11. Wow that would be great. I would come if my body lets me travel by then. I always wanted to go to 1 but they are always to far away. keep us updated.
  12. Great jars. I also love the clear label. That boarder is so awesome.
  13. Great candle. That color just pops out at ya and says smell me. Never smelled that scent, but sounds good.
  14. Beautiful candles. Love the purples Also love your labels
  15. Very nice candles. Love the vivid colors.
  16. Also, Would you by any chance have any fruit out? 1 piece of stinking fruit on a counter brings in millions of those pesty boogers. As soon as I bring fruit in my house I swear they have radar and find it. I am fighting em now. grrrrrr
  17. Ma's busy. But I will tell on you. Then you gonna be so sorry Ok it's official, I'm not the only nut on CT...With you, that makes 2 of us...
  18. Well if you were any kind of friend, you would find me a suppplier and quick... My son leaves tomorrow and i can't sniff anymore. I just might have to dig in his luggage to find his bottle of it. hehehe
  19. :undecided well....I feel so unloved now....MAAAAAAAAAAA!!! The nag picking on me again... U come out of hiding to tell me this?
  20. AVATAR... Has anyone seen this? My son is here for a visit. He came out of shower and OMG. It blew me away. Well his girlfriend said it is called AVATAR for men. I never heard of it before. I need this....lol I can't go around sniffing my son forever. lol He already thinks I'm strange HELP pleez
  21. Thanks for the input. Looks like I might not have to worry. Forcast is rain , rain, rain. Like me need it. grrrr PA don't need anymore rain. I do use the UV so I would be good to go there. Maybe I might be able to set up in between the drops. Might be in the 90's Sunday and maybe if it's not to bad out with rain I could set up in my garage. Everyone have a great holiday weekend. Happy July 4th.
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