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Posts posted by CranberryGirl

  1. There are tons of recorces...for a new candlemaker...

    the candlemakers companion is the first book to start with...

    I would do a ton of reading before tring to start making candles to decide what kind you would like to start with....candlemaking can be an expensive hobby to start with...If you would like to pm me i cand send you a few links to some sites that have great starter kits!

    welcome to the wonderful world of candles!


  2. I know there has been lots of talk about why people don't like to help people any more ect...

    But I was wondering if someone could help me make my first batch of cp soap....

    I don't want to do it with lard....

    and I am soooooo lost....and confused...I would really like to make a batch of soaps that would be ready for Vday to give my boys..yes..my boys like to smell good! lol

    i have done sooo much reading that i am just lost! Sooooo If there is someone sweet enough and wanting to help me walk thru my first batch i would forever be greatful!



  3. Hi ya!

    I know I have been a pain in the butt with all my questions! Thanks for being patient!

    I do have another one!!!

    I would Like to make my 3 boys 9,13,14 ...soap for vday..and I would like to know if anyone would share a tried and true recipe,,that is good for kids skin..but that I can use scents "boys fo" scent in...They all want some..But I am not sure what to make them...they liked my M&P but I don't know if that is gental enough..as we all suffer from exzimia sorry sp...



  4. I have been looking at the gallery...Some very cool stuff!!! Does everyone make their own cigar bands?

    do u use card stock????

    I saw some awesome packaging some where..I Liked it alot but I don't know where I saw it...It looked like 1/4 a box...it only covered a corner of the soap..and was able to have the scent typed in???? I really liked that design..and I like the cigar bands...Thanks so muchhh...


  5. ahhhhh...I thought basic recipes were already caculated for you?????

    so it is to see how my lye to add?

    so if i wanted to add two oz of olive oil i would type that in????

    sorry I have nooo clue..I am a candle maker looking into a whole new world!

    I love handmade soaps I always have!!! But i am not sure I understand how to start...M&P was easy...My soaps turned out good! But I want to make some from scratch...I don't want to use lard.. just all veggie oils.....

    I think I am missing a big part of understanding...In candlemaking we follow recipe every thing is right to the oz.. by weight....


    Thanks for the help! I truly dooo Appriciate it!


  6. Not sure what type of container your planning on using...but make sure you test your container with the wax in a melter before you sell..as i have been hearing about alot of the containers breaking!

    test with a soft wax...container fill...i would look for a med size jar around 16oz...the bigger ones seem like a waste to me...

    Have a great day!


  7. Hi YA!

    Was wondering If you folks would have any info on packaging, Ideas?? Like sites? LOL

    I am playing with M&P right now, But soon want to start cold process..

    and I have Not been able to come up with any good ideas....



  8. Hi ya gals...

    I have a question for ya! I did my first batches of melt and pour and these are hard as roocks..my layers are falling apart...and...Because they are hard..they won't cut strait!!! ANy help!! would be wonderful! also anyone know where to buy a good soap blade for slicing????

    one that does not bend?


  9. Hi ya gals..

    I just made up some soaps from love spell from BCN...I was wondering if anyone else has tried that from there and from other places...It's a very citrusy scent...I was wondering if it is a good dupe or not...


  10. Just did a search on yahoo...it apperas to be a candle that is made up from coconut oil and soy...

    But You would need to ba a candlemaker to make these...I would suggest buying on for yourself anddoing more research....and testing on yourself....before treating patients with this...


    here is a link for another one with different oils..




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