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Posts posted by CranberryGirl

  1. To kinda get to know me.....

    and to get fed back on my display... I posted picts in the candle gallery....

    That is who I am...

    And I want to thank You all for letting me join in and start learning how to make B&B



  2. Hi all...

    I know I am new here...Been popping back and forth form the B&B board to the candle board....But I wanted to Maybe show u guys some picts and see if anyone had any suggestion on how to make my display a bit better...

    It is a new display we used this year...

    :D Nowww....I built this page so My Mom could see My display..sooo please, please be gentle on me..I know it's not great!!


    I would like some feed back if u can see good enough!!



    scroll down!!!! picts at the bottom of the page

  3. Kelley,

    Like Top said and from what you just said...how your friend makes them in a smooth mold...U find your pillar wax...after it's melted..add scent..bring tempature down wayyy down you will see the wax filming over...when the wax films over You can mix it up with a wisk till it kinda looks like pudding..then pour into a room temp mold... the pitting you see is where there used to be air bubbles...you should use a metal mold to do these.. and you will probably need to put the mold into the freezer for a good relese...or look for some mold release from a supplier..

    with different scents and colors you will have different things going on...and depending also if you let your wax get cool enough..but that is the type of pillar you were looking for....as you get frther into pillar making you will find..adding sterine will make your pillar look a little different, same with adding vybar, ect...

    My suggestion to get this close..use a strait pillar wax..and try it like that first...then try adding stuff...



  4. Where did u get that????

    whoever wrote it has nooo clue....sorry I don't mean to sound negitive...

    addin scent to a melt pool is somewhat wrong cause you can mess with the burning of the candles and over load the candle..scenting the wic is just dum...snap,crackle, pop..may cause Big flame...

    4oz. of scent per 10 pounds of wax.....sorry but whever wrote that hassss nooo clue about candle making...1oz. per pound is going rate....



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