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Posts posted by NewOrleansLady

  1. OMG...the smell of bagass on a fall afternoon. Yuckkkkkkkkkk....gives me a headache just thinking about it.

    I had a lady wanting a fireplace smoke. She went from wood burning to gas logs and missed that scent...I asked her isn't that why you changed to gas logs??? Why would you want your house to smell like smoke????????? I found the scent and to me it stunk but she loved it. Some people's children:confused:

  2. I use 2..Coral Delight (straight pomegrante) from Cajun & Sweet Orange & Pomegrante from JustScent. I use in JS 50/50 container & votive. CD is a bit stronger since it's pure pomegrante but SW&P is a classier scent...very big seller.

  3. Amaretto tiramasu is outstanding.

    Cantaloupe Lily is very clean.

    I 2nd celtic moonspice.

    Essence of Jesus is really good. I made a dozen of big 26oz. jars in soy and had a lady come in and bought 1/2 in one trip and came back two weeks later and bought the others. I guess Jesus was telling me to make them cause I sold exactly what I made and she's never come back. Weird. Very musky scent..I haven't poured anymore cause I really wanted to change the name and haven't come up with anything that went with it.

    Herbal raspberry is good...not as heavy as raspberry patchouli but damn good throw.

    Kickin caramel didn't have a throw for me...but must have just been my nose cause my DIL came over and could smell it from downstairs.

    Passion melon is very clean and green.

    All of these are great throwers. Other than the eoJ I used 50/50 wax with zinc wicks. Generally poured @ 8%.

  4. I've heard of an additive that's supposed to reduce browning caused by vanillas. It's not TiO2. I can't think of the name of it or where I saw it. I'll keep a look out and post if I find it. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

    It's from WSP and it's a vanilla color stabalizer and it only works on m&p. I tried it on a batch of orange chiffon cake. Did absolutely nothing to help. I love that scent in soap but it turns this mahogony color that turns your shower/bath water tan but it smells heavenly. It seems that it changes because of oxidation because I can use it and use it and it'll be cream color within 1/16th" down but by next morning it'll all be brown again. I wonder if I wrap it in saran wrap directly after taking out of mold (I do cphp) if it would stop it. Oh, I now have a reason to make some more soap!!!!!!!

  5. In case you didn't place your order yet here's some suggestions if you don't mind: Romeo & Juliet is very very nice...good throw and great in b&b; Cherish is very light in candles but awesome in b&b; fresh floral honeydew is light and clean, hyacinth chula orchid is great in everything, her honeysuckle throws like crazy. that's all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm making my Mother's day baskets out of romeo & juliet.

  6. Are you referring to Lemon Magnolia? It's very true to a real magnolia blossom....closest I've ever smelt. I actually took one of my blossoms last year and smelt it and then smelt a tart I made and they were very very close. Most people don't realize the yellow center of the blossom has a very lemon scent to it.

    I use JS 50/50 blend and the throw is very good. Not a gag you type of magnolia (cause it doesn't smell like jasmine). Makes the most luscious soap and bath products.

  7. I order from them and have never had a problem with oos items. I've heard a few people say that, tho, so maybe I'm just hitting them at the right time by luck.

    Whispering Angels has been a best seller for me for years. I use egyptian dragon, emerald sea, katmandu, lily mango, mango sage tea, egyptian musk, patchouli raspberry, hawaiian sandlewood & windancer. I find all their scents complex and strong throwers. I use a 50/50 wax.

    Just wanted to add this note: I just went to their site and 2 of their top 10 are oos...chocolate brownies and coconut creme pie. But I randomly looked at about a dozen other scents and none were oos.

  8. My gosh - have you checked out the new scents at candles and supplies. Over 300. I know they have got some bad pr in past but the times I have ordered from them I have not had a problem and the fo's have been good. Going to try the eucalyptus and probably more - my addition kicked in:D

    Wanted to check and see if you got the eucalyptus in yet? If it's what I'm hoping for I'll order 5# at a time cause it will sell that good down here.

  9. Oh,,,,I see...I went back and re-read it slower and saw it explained. Sorry for my lack of comprehension. This has got me wanting to make some more gels. It's been a while but I always felt more gratitude from doing those because each one is different. Thanks again for a great tutorial.

  10. This is stated in the tutorial:

    Let cool I do clean up and bubble removal at this point. Do not use the oven or heat lamp methods at this point to remove bubble or your inner container will not stay in place.

    What method of bubble removal did she use if not the oven or heat lamp?

    I don't do a lot of gel simply because they don't sell as well as wax (just a regional thing I think) but a different bubble removal method is something I'd like to know about! Great tutorial, tho.

  11. I have been on this same search myself and even ones that are named Eucalyptus leaf still have the mediciny oil smell. Cierra's was the closest I could find. I found when I wrote to ask suppliers for descriptions if they didn't have one listed I would word it as dried eucalyptus scent not the eucalyptus oil scent.

  12. This is one thing that always confuses me with VS dupes>

    The Line is called Dream Angels but there are three different scents:Heavenly,Halo and Desire.

    I guess it's sample time. & I think I'm gonna e-mail WSP and ask which of the three there's is a dupe of. It's like Tony's Very Sexy..... he originally had Very Sexy for him on the label now he just calls it Very Sexy but also carries the VS for women. :confused:

    Thanks for the info.

  13. If you opt for Brown Sugar & Fig, go with Peak's. It smells identical to WSP's but costs 1/2 as much.

    Thanks for that info...I will definately keep that in mind. If WSP doesn't slam you with their prices their shipping will break the bank. I was just there and cancelled my order cause the shipping was 3... yes 3 times the cost of what I was buying.

  14. Well I ordered a 8oz bottle after a recommendation for apple strudel from Wildfire....I think it is a strong oil but definately not an apple pie scent..It is very sweet smelling.I can't stand it though..It is one of those scents that makes me ill while pouring..I will stick with KY apple pie for now..It is more of a TRUE apple pie scent..Thanks for the suggestions though!

    In real life, an apple strudel is sweeter than an apple pie. I use WSP's or Cajun's apple strudel and JS's Hot baked apple pie....both are different but true to the real bakery smell.

  15. I was wondering of some of your opinions on what you think is better brown sugar & fig, or chestnuts and brown sugar?:o

    In my opinion, you're comparing apples to oranges as these two don't smell anything alike. Now if you want a personal opinion I think brown sugar & fig makes a great b&b....I've never made anything b&b from chestnuts & brownsugar simply because it was not my type of b&b.

  16. Do something with grapefruit in it...I recently heard that a study was done and it showed if you're wearing a grapefruit scented perfume people think you look 10 years younger! :shocked2: I swear I'm not making this up! It was probably one of our great government surveys that cost the tax payers 1,000,000's!!!!

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