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Posts posted by MuskokaMom

  1. I was wondering if anyone could steer me in the right direction. I am out of wick stickums and was considering trying silicone, which I know that some of you have had great success using. I have tried using my high temp hot glue gun, but when I heat up my jars the wicks start to slide around all over the place. What kind of silicone should I try. Can I get it at a hardware store and how long does it take to set up. My DH has some bath and kitchen silicone. It looks like toothpaste and takes 24 hours to set up. I'm thinking that it isn't the right kind. Any help you can give me would be super!!:yay:

  2. Perky Designs in Texas? I have only ordered from them twice and I absolutely love my labes. Me being in Ontario, it usually takes about 2 weeks for them to get here. Well I placed a rather large order May 10 and haven't seen hide no hair. I waited until about mid June to contact them and after doing so several times they finally emailed me back saying that they should have been there by now, and trusting that I am not ripping them off, they will ship out again. So I think they did this around June 17, well so far nothing once again. I have asked them to veryify my address, but since they have shipped to me twice before, I can't see why that should have changed. So far they haven't verified that they have my correct address. The one girl contacted the Post Office and they suggested she try shipping to canada another method, (which I can't remember) I have emailed them numerous times since mid July when I realized the last order wasn't going to arrive either. Either asking to get my money back, because I am starting to get angry, or to reship for a third time in a different manner. I even offered to pick up the tab for shipping on my end. I have a feeling that they think I am getting all these labels and ripping them off, but of course that isn't the case. Now I realize they went on vacation from Aug 10-29 and can't be contacted. I really don't want to give up on these labels because I really love how they look and I am willing to spend the money on them because I think that is a really important part of selling. I am however getting VERY frustrated with them. I know they have a very reputable company, and I just can't understand why this is dragging out so long???

    Main problem is that we may be moving to another area of Ontario within the next couple of months and when we do I will have to change something on my label." Proudly handcrafted in Muskoka" wont apply anymore because we won't be living here. Knowing this in May didn't concern me because I knew I could still have the spring/summer/fall to sell. Now is is almost pointless unless they are willing to change that part of the label if they ship out again. GGGGGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I have to say. Thanks for letting me vent!!! Sharon

  3. Hey, I would let him ramble. I think it is good to hear info like that fella gave you. Makes you realize that your product is far superior. Personally I would never do a show if I had no labels. Too tacky! People remember that. The oil burner thing is rather sneaky! I would guess that he wouldn't get too many repeat customers when they get home and burn their candle and can't smell squat!!

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