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Posts posted by MuskokaMom

  1. For anyone that does layered colored jars, how long do you let the first colored layer set up before adding the second. I always thought that It should be kind of firm, but still warm. I have only done vanilla/cranberry colored candles and the cranberry ALWAYS seeps into the lighter color. ANysuggestions???

  2. I haven't made any candles for a few months, but just thought I would throw this out there. On occasion, I have over heated my jars in the oven with the wicks already secured. Well the oven was so hot, it melted the wax off the wicks. The candles looked pretty wimpy with skinny little wicks. I ususlly keep these for myself, or for family. What would you do in this situation. I can't imagine that it would affect the burn all the way thru, but the initial burn looked a little sad.

  3. I do one size of containers, votives, melts, flower pot votives (which I guess are actually considered containers) and bears. As well as I just added a rectangular container. So forget about the one size container thing. LOL

  4. I use really thick rubber gloves and yes it does get hot, but I keep my dipping temp at about 180 so as not to burn off any FO. I agree about the chunks of wax being a pain though. Between bears, I kind of slough off the wax and when it is dry on my gloves, I bang my hands together over the presto and most of it comes off. I only ever have a chunk problem once in a blue moon. I think the tongs idea is great, but i myself still have to get my hands in there to wring the little beggers out!!! Put them on tinfoil and break off the runoff and throw it back inthe presto. Thankfully my bears don't need fluffing. Just dip and clear off the eyes and go.

  5. My jars are 3.5 inches in diameter. I usually eyeball it so that the tabs are equal distances from each other and also equal from the outside of the jar. I would definitely say one inch apart is a good start. I may go just a touch more than that, but pretty close. I think that testing how each combination is with each wax and scent should be the way to go, but in general, for me they all pretty work at about the same placement. Did that make sense???

  6. I like the Aaakkk!!! Its BACK!!! Sorry that this has had such a negative turn. Sometimes you don't know how things are going to impact people until you throw it out there. I bet it makes you alot more leary about sharing your opinions. Personally, I appreciate knowing things like this so that I can learn from them. I will draw my own conclusion with out casting any judgements. I am sure that yourself and the ladies from NG are fine outstanding people. Unfortunately this has just taken on a life of its own. (and I'm not helping it. LOL) My best advise would be to take it with a grain of salt and learn from it. Happy New Year!!!

  7. A friend of mine just had a build a bear birthday party for her 6 year old. I don't know too much about it, but basically you stuff your own bear or other stuffy. I'm not sure about decorating it or anything else. She said it was lots of fun.

  8. My Dad was in his 50's when he was diagnosed with diabetes. Very hard to regulate. Although he is no longer with us (died when he wa 66) I think about Diabetes almost every day. His words ring loud in my head. "You don't want to get the diabetes" when we would talk about my weight. Research as come so far and advancements in the care and control of this disease, but for many families the toll is devastating. I remember not wanting to come home on the weekends for fear of a "diabetic episode" He would usually be in intensive care at least twice a winter. I even gave him CPR once when the ambulance came upon another accident during a very severe winter storm. Another was sent out and took over an hour to get to the house. I wouldn't wish this disease on my worst enemy. Here's hoping they can get your husbands sugar under control (and I'm sure they will). Although as scary as it is, we have to take it a day at a time and enjoy every moment. I'm sure he will be on the road to wellness soon.

    Thinking of you and your family.


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