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Posts posted by MuskokaMom

  1. Thanks so much! When I was setting up things just seemed to flow naturally into place. I did have a whopper of a headache by the end of the first day. I wonder if it was because I was sitting amongst all the scents. Anyone else have this problem?? Or maybe it was just a first show stress headache!:tongue2:

  2. This past weekend Idid my first craft show. I am not sure how I did it, but I sold 15.5 X my booth fee. Both days were very steady and I sold alot of scented bears which were my highest ticket item.Also lots of votives. Best sellers were Banana Nut Bread, Apple Jack, Cranberry Harvest, Spiced Cranberry and French Vanilla. Hope these pics turn out ok.




  3. This doesn't have anything to do with sooting, but rather a similar marketing strategy. I have seen candle makers change the wording in their explaination of the Mushroom on the end of the wick. They call it a Flower which for some reason people accept more readily. Funny how powerful marketing can be. I really like the Highly fragranced candles causing high sooting. I tolerated sooting before I started to make candles, as long as they smelled great, I would just wipe the soot off. I have to say, now that I double wick my jars, I have never had a soot problem. Thank God!!:D

  4. Teresa, I would love to know what you used for your sample melts. Dixie cups, mini muffin tin? Did you do a repour on those? I have used mini muffin tins, but unfortunately my wax requires a 2nd pour and they never turn out. Yours look very flat on top. Great job!!

  5. I left some of my candles in a box in my car for about 2 months. My friend had them at her store, but I noticed that they were starting to discolor. They were made before I started using UV inhibitor. The labels all turned kind of wrinkled, I am assuming maybe from the dampness in the back of the van at night?? My neighbour who has a hobby farm and a small store in her garage wants to sell my candles for me. I guess I need to ask if the garage is heated or insulated, because the labels may do the same thing there. Has anyone had this happen to their labels?

  6. Guess what!! After not hearing from these people since July, they decide to email me after they are informed there will be a charge back to their account. She was short and to the point.


    We sent your order out twice and have not received it back.

    WHAT IS THIS????

    How dare she say "what is this' to me. She had many opportunities and warnings that I would pursue this further, and now she gives me attitude.

    Well I am not going to give her the satisfaction of answering her email and she how she likes it!! Thanks for letting me vent once again:)

  7. I am so bummed!! My insurance company here was insuring me for 8dollars a month. Last month they decided that they wouldn't cover me under home based business anymore. I have to go to a commercial policy which will cost me about 80/month. Still not too bad, but when you are still a small business, I may not even sell 80 dollars worth of candles in a month.

  8. The time I wait varies on how patient I am, but they always turn out the same whether it's a couple of hours or overnight. I spill over all the time, especially if I have a full pouring pot. Just wait for the spill to dry and throw it back in the pot.

  9. Thanks everyone. I think I am definitely going to go that route. I would rather have the confidence that my wicks are never going to slide than hoping and wondering if they do when someone burns them. Hopefully my customers would feel the same way. When I have more money, I may have to buy some more wick stickums. I did read in the archives that someone found some double sided sticky tape (kind of foamy, like you might put on the back of a small mirror or something to stick to the wall) She said that it came in a roll and she just cut out little squares and it stuck just like wickums. thanks again. sharon

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