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Posts posted by JudyN

  1. I use the jiffy wicker so I tie a knot and don't use mold sealer. I tried the mold sealer once and it made a mess of the wick and I didn't like it.

    Okay, I'm thinking of ordering some wick pins. Does it matter if the wick pins is taller than the mold? There aren't a lot of different sizes in wick pins that I see.

  2. I tried making a marbled candle yesterday. I also tried a rainbow pillar and made some votives. Let me know what you think. The marbled didn't turn out (I may try another one today with Candle Kitty's instructions). Please give me your honest feedback. I also took a picture of the top of the rainbow pillar as it looked neat. I'm not sure this is exactly how it is suppose to look.





  3. I cleaned the mold (i'm very meticulous about cleaning the molds) and used silicone spray release. I waited until the mold was cool, but maybe I should wait longer. I used my heat gun on low and got rid of them but I would like to know what the cause is. I will try leaving them in the mold longer. Thanks!!

  4. I made three purple mottled candles and on the bottom it looks like they have scratches. Can anyone tell me what causes this and what I can do about it?

    The other is a mold I bought from e-bay, it is a chubby pyramid. The colors don't look as good in the picture as they do in person, I liked how it turned out although it really isn't the look I was going for.


    Please give me any feedback? I would love to hear the truth about what you think.

  5. The wax I use now for my votives is Genwax 128 votive/container wax. It works great for votives. I have not done containers yet. I don't know where my brain was when I asked the question, but my question should have been can I use pillar wax for my votives? Sorry about that. I would rather not have to buy wax especially for votives and be able to buy one wax for both pillars and votives. My other question was if I can use pillar wax for votives, will the same wick that I'm now using for the votive still work with the pillar wax? The wick I'm using is pre-tabbed votive wicks 36-24-24 cotton core waxed. TIA

  6. Do you have a garage you could use ? That is where I am and really I like it. I've only been making candles for two weeks and after the first few days my husband suggested that I move into the garage (he didn't like the mess in the kitchen) and I was spending a lot of time cleaning it up. We had some old tables and set those up and went from there. It isn't perfect but it is enjoyable. I imagine that I will get more shelving for my candle stuff as time goes on. My house is very neat and I would not like it to have candle stuff piled up in the house. I don't care about it being piled up in the garage.

  7. hahaha my workspace is much smaller than yours you have a ton of stuff. I actually like being out in the garage. I like having the house clean and the mess somewhere else.

    My dogs shed a lot in the summer when it is warmer. They have their beds (which are baskets) in the garage and they are all three laying there asleep right now. it is very cute.

    I hope someday my candles will be near as pretty as yours. You have a ton of candles that you've made. How many days a week do you make candles?

  8. I just want to let you all know how nice and helpful everyone has been to me. I've been making candles for approx. two weeks and I'm having so much fun. It is defintely challenging. I've been off work on disability and they aren't sure what is wrong with me. I had an exploratory surgery last week which just has lead to more tests ... I'm taking meds and can't drive. I was going crazy as I used to working and being busy. I've read all kinds of books. I love candles and always have a lot around. My husband complains how much I was spending buying candles so I got the idea to try to make a few candles any maybe give them as Christmas gifts. (I thought I might save money) Last year for Christmas I gave my neighbor a candlemaking kit. So I did a little research online and went and looked at Michael's I was shocked at how expensive their wax, etc. was compared to online and I found this site. So now I'm full blown into making and testing candles. I have a long long way to go, but have really found something that I love. I now know that I won't be saving any money on this as it is expensive, but I will end up with great candles (I hope) My husband of course wants me to sell candles and maybe someday at this point I don't know, I'm just enjoying it so much. I just wanted you all to know how much I appreciate your kindness and how helpful everyone has been. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'm hoping to go back to work after Thanksgiving so I have a few more weeks of full-time candlemaking.


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