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Posts posted by TxSioux

  1. If you've tested your wax & that particular fo & know them to burn correctly, I'd guess you have a 'dud' wick. Did you burn any candles from the same batch to compare? I've used the same supplier for wicks for about 5 yrs & have had wicks here & there that just wouldn't burn right, even had a few crackle & snap as they got going - like they had been wet at some point, perhaps. I buy from Cajun Candles & after Katrina I had a whole bag that didn't want to burn right. They said they didn't have an issue w/ flooding, but I kinda wonder if the extreme weather/humidity didn't have something to do w/ it. I've seen the tunneling thing a few times over the yrs & other candles from the same batch burned correctly, that's why I think it may be a wick issue.


  2. Well, like so many threads that run long, seems like this one has gone OT w/ individual agendas. It seems very unfair that Sharon was attacked for posting an opinion that she quite clearly indicated was from the standpoint of comparing BCN to other suppliers she had recently dealt with. Every supplier has their pros & cons & she never slammed them in any way. ChrisR's post had a condescending tone that 'read' as rude. And then for Sliver to jump in & make the thing whole seem about them was very ... weird. I'm FAR from the 'warm, fuzzy type' that says things I don't believe or can't back up, but I was raised well & don't attack people just to show how tough I can be. I hardly see how making a passing remark re: a supplier can equate to death/disaster/testing issues - that's quite a jump to try & justify an OT crappy attitude. Sorry to jump in where I don't belong, but it does get old reading unwarranted attacks like this. Seems a lot easier to pass over topics you're tired of reading instead of jumping in w/ a barbed tongue. If the general attitude is "do your own research & testing - don't bother those of us who know what we're doing", then why is this a board designed for candlemakers of all experience levels to share ideas? BTW - I too did all my own research & testing w/o the help of any boards & only come here to share ideas, read opinions & occasionally help a newbie. Guess I have the wrong attitude.


  3. Well, it's obvious this thief didn't steal those tanks for the wax -- any candlemaker w/ an addiction so bad it would drive them to theft would have gone straight for the stash of fo's!! *LOL* Maybe I need help, cause my 1st thought was: hmm, can you imagine how much fo they would have sitting around waiting to mix into all that wax. I freely admit I'm a foho & think of my cute UPS guy as my 'dealer'. Could you imagine a Candle CSI Unit!?!


  4. I absolutely kept the name -- that's what they're looking for. I can't imagine selling as many BOP candles w/ another name. I used to check the trademark website regularly, but haven't lately - so as far as I know, it's not a registered trademark name. I have thought about this though & if I had to, I would rename it Sweet Bird of Paradise -- many 'old school' gardeners refer to the plant as such. I say, ride the wave as far as it will take you!!


  5. Candles & Supply has a LOT of molds & containers for Valentine's. They used to carry my favorite votive holder, but looks like they dropped it. If you're interested - go to the Anchor Hocking site ( www.ahsg.com ) & look at the hammered glass heart votive. It's in the candle section of the catalog under votives & tumblers. I've sold an insane amount of those over the yrs for $4.50 a pop!


  6. Wow -- Steph in Tx sounds just like Susan in Tx!! <ha> The only good use I've found for metal molds is as a shot glass!! I apologize to all the metal mold votive makers -- I truly appreciate you having a talent I don't possess. I use 51z wicks w/ my EZ Soy votives & -if I remember correctly- get about a 24 hr burn from Dixie cup votives. Is that right? Anyone else know their burn time for these?


  7. To get red that deep w/ EZ Soy I'm guessing you used quite a bit of dye. How much & what kind did you use? I'm going to say you have so much dye in there that you're clogging your wick. Are you getting a very good scent throw? Keep testing & let us know what happens when you reach the white layer. Also, are you burning for long stretches? Even if everything catches up & evens out, you have to consider that if a customer doesn't burn for a couple hrs at a time they will never get their candle to catch up & be left w/ a candle that has a lot of hanging wax on the sides. Just my thoughts...


  8. I also think Pomegranate is a stinker by itself & would have no use for it alone. I just ran out of Strawberries-N-Cream, so I'll just throw it on the next order I place w/ whoever has it in stock. Wish I could help you more, but I've never had a problem w/ that fo from any supplier - just stick w/ a supplier you like that has quality products. This is a breeze to mix up & you can use the Strawberries-N-Cream by itself for a 2nd scent in your line -- go for it.


  9. I started to suggest Dixie cups when I 1st read your disgust. I've made them for almost 5 yrs & would never make a single votive if I had to use any mold - especially since I use soy & it's such a delight to get outta that mold. There are no straight-sided Dixie cups, so you'll end up w/ a 3oz votive that won't fit into standard straight-sided holders. I always sell & recommend either the large oyster cup or flower pot holders. My customers love the larger size & I get $2.50 for each. I make & sell tons of these - I love 'em! Also, if you pour too hot it will melt the wax coating & will set up looking like beads of wax on the outside. Doesn't affect how the candle looks when you remove the paper, but always makes me wonder if fo also seeped thru. Since you're at your wits end w/ molds, I think you might really enjoy going this route -- good luck!


  10. Wow -- those are great charts, don't know how I've never seen them. In case you ever want to experiment, you may want to try the q-tip test. Dip the end of a q-tip in each fo & drop them in a bottle. I wait about an hour before I see what the combo smells like. If it's not 'right' just add another q-tip till you hit a good balance. I faked my way through Gingerbread one yr doing this. It was a small, last minute order & I was out, so just started mixing q-tips till I hit something close. Since it wasn't 'quite right' I called it Victorian Gingerbread & the customer thought it was wonderful!


  11. BOP has been my absolute #1 seller for about 2 yrs, but I'm in Tx (home of Circle E), so I'm sure that's why.

    I have always mixed this one myself & have been told over & over that mine is either dead-on or better than Circle E. I saw Candlebuddy posted a mix & I've seen several versions, but in case you want another -- I use equal portions of Strawberries-N-Cream & Pomegranate. Also, I've used several different suppliers for each fo & no one has ever mentioned thinking the scent smells different & I have about 6 customers that buy almost nothing but this scent.

    As a side note: it always drives me crazy when someone says their BOP smells JUST like the flower. The BOP flower has NO scent!! This was a signature scent made up by Circle E that took off like crazy & now everyone tries to copy it. Not one of my favs, but I love selling it.


  12. I used to consider BCS the worst w/ customer service. Never had a problem w/ poor products, screwed up orders or timely delivery -- just crappy attitudes & poor service. I really think something has changed around there, cause everyone is VERY nice now. About 2 wks ago I called in an order for 200 lbs wax at 4:30p & the order was in my front hall at 7p the next night. I'm also in Tx, but that's still exceptional service as far as I'm concerned.


  13. Country Creek isn't a supplier. But, apparently you aren't the first person to mistake her for one lol.

    Ya know -- right after I posted I started thinking back & remembered that it was Country Crafter that was the supplier & Country Creek that was being mistaken as the same. Sorry to add fuel to any fires.

    Can't anyone come up w/ anything interesting to give me a bit longer break from Bayberry candles? This is my 3rd yr doing these suckers w/ special packaging & the Bayberry Poem & I'm REALLY sick of these things ... but I do like the ridiculous prices people will pay for 'em!!

    Oh well, if I can't get drama I'll be happy that the spirit of Christmas spread its wings around the lot of yall!!

    Back to the Bayberry production line -- Susan.

  14. Isn't Glade the one that makes the oil burner things? Those commercials kill me. They go on about how candles take too long to disperse scent throughout the air, but they have a whole line of candles?! Then they say how the 'problem' w/ candles is how they all look the same, but they show 3 cheesy plastic containers that look exactly alike - oh, but wait, they're 3 different heights ... WTF!?!? I have a friend that bought one when they 1st came out & threw it away. She said it smelled good enough, but was fairly pricey & the little wax/oil pod-thing burned for about 2 hrs (can't remember exactly) & was gone. She's a 'trust-fund baby' that doesn't have to watch her money, but was smart enough to know she'd be spending a boat-load of money to keep buying those refills!! I'd say they're pushing hard for the holiday dollars, but not worried about a product that delivers too few results for the cost. Am I wrong? Anyone actually tried these things?


  15. No kidding -- I actually read all 10 pages! I don't post very often, cause I hate to be redundant & would just be re-saying what has already been posted. I always feel sorry for a newbie that posts something that I know will turn on the heat, but I just can't pull myself away from watching the whole thing play out <ha>. Also very interesting to see the tide turn & new 'issues' being taken. I'm REALLY glad to see the original poster stick around & benefit from an enormous tank of knowledge, but rather surprised to see the attack on a supplier, Country Creek. And, no -- I don't know anyone involved. I think it's cool the original poster is getting help & has shown a great attitude when the chips were down, but a new storm is brewing... Wow, this is kinda addictive.

    Susan - who added nothing important to this thread.

  16. Actually, if you're ordering 200lbs (4 boxes) you already get a price break equal to the sale, so it really wouldn't matter if the sale had ended. Although I appreciate that's not the whole issue & how frustrated you are. I had almost the same problem a couple yrs ago. I ran out of wax & BCN was totally out. I had orders to fill & was going out of my mind. I must have really sounded pathetic cause a BCN employee finally told me that KY Soy is the same wax & I could place an order w/ them. I have a sample of the GW415 & it sure looks the same too, just haven't had time to test it. Hope you get what you need in time!


  17. I would say -- don't be afraid to step outside the box & go w/ your gut. I belong to a Yahoo group w/ a guy who purposely tries to test everything under the worst conditions & stretches every limit possible. He's darkly hilarious & posts about setting fires & causing explosions, but he absolutely knows what the limit is of everything he makes. Personally, I heat my soy higher than the supplier instructs & have never had a problem w/ scent throw or separation. I use wicks that aren't recommended. I use additives that are questioned by others. Basically, if you don't like following the rules others have set -- get in there & try something different. Start w/ what you're told will work & test how far you can push the limit of anything you don't like doing. Also, don't trust anyone else's opinion -- sure you need outside input, but I've seen things from really smart & reliable people that I just can't believe! I had a friend complain that my votive caused her holder to break. I asked her to bring it to me. The container was about 1/2 full & the wick had shifted to one side right next to the glass causing the break. I decided to save the wax & put the container in the oven to melt the wax. When I poured the wax out I was shocked to find 5 wick tabs under my wick. She had put my votive on top of 5 burned out votives & never cleaned the holder. So when my votive created a full melt pool the old tabs shifted my wick to the glass & caused the crack. If you test then you know you're making a good candle & can start searching for what someone else has done wrong. People will do things you never thought of!!


  18. I know what you mean about the added touch of the candy -- I always order from Cajun Candle (whether I need to or not) during Mardi Gras, cause I love opening the box & finding the beads they include. They also send a short story about why beads are thrown during Mardi Gras. The regional significance just makes me feel good. I love the extra effort -- are there any other suppliers that personalize their shipments?


  19. Sorry - PSA is Palm Stearic Acid. The 2oz metal molds are the standard. My votives are 3oz & won't fit into the straight-sided votive holders, so I always recommend either flower pot or large oyster cup holders. Get the wax coated Dixie cups, set your wick, fill them & just peel the paper off when they've set up. Works really well for me.


  20. BTW -- your color probably won't hold up too well w/ age. I haven't used many different kinds of dye & don't use UV additive, so I'm far from a color expert. Since you said they were Christmas candles, made me think red or green & I'd guess you'll have fading & frosting depending on how they're stored & the temp changes they go through. But -- they should smell great!!


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