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Posts posted by TxSioux

  1. I've used zinc & soy for almost 5 yrs. I've tried many other wicks, but just like the rigid zinc best. Seems like wicks give everyone the most headaches, so I certainly wouldn't say they're any more of a challenge than any other kind. Just boils down to finding what you like best & testing till you get it right.


  2. Well, if you have a hotel/restaurant supply near you, the turnaround thing may not be an issue for you. Just something I have to deal w/ here. Here the total cost is 8oz $2.04 & 12oz $2.29 - so it sounds like you may be getting them for the best price available w/ shipping. If I drive to Taylored Concepts I can cut the cost to 8oz $1.80 & 12oz $1.89, but I have to factor in gas & lose at least 3 hrs of drive time. I think you're down to just facing that is the cost of using this jar & trust me, I like this jar the best, too! Let's go the other way - what are you selling these for? I can sell the 8oz for $11.00 & the 12oz for $15.00, so even though the cost of the jar is the biggest expense, I still make my x3 markup.


  3. If you're in a city large enough to have a hotel/restaurant supply give them a call, cause they all work w/ suppliers like Libby & Anchor Hocking. Ours is open to the public & I think most of them are. I can get the metro or status jars there for less than any other supplier, unless I drive somewhere close & order in large quantities. My problem is the turnaround time of an order, can be as much as 3 wks. What is your final cost on the jars when you include shipping?


  4. I've spent the last 5 yrs thinking I had to use 1.5oz fo pp w/ soy & have been retesting everything & found that I get just as strong (or stronger) throw using 1oz pp. Also, my votives have been cracking at the wick just like your pic. I've only had this problem w/ the cold weather, so I leave enough room for a 2nd pour to top it off. Not something I have to do once it gets warm. The joy of soy, huh!


  5. I've got this blend going in my basement right now, BCN voodoo love and fresh brewed coffee. I was shocked by how good it smells, thought for sure it would be nasty but it's really not.

    ROFL -- spoken like a true candle junkie! I have a most hilarious visual of you brewing up a new batch of something bubbling in the basement ... very Halloween-ish & you are currently upstairs taking a break ... wearing a labcoat! I'm glad this combo is catching on & working out. Guess I better order some brewed coffee to get on the bandwagon.


  6. After I heard about the coffee/rose combo used at the TomKat wedding I q-tip tested Voodoo Love (which I rename Yellow Rose of Tx) & a coffee blend I had on hand & it was terrible. I figure it was a bad coffee fo to test & asked if anyone else had tested a better combo, but no answers. I suggested naming the combo TomKat or Italian Wedding. I kinda thought this combo would be big in '07. Would love to hear if anyone gets this to work.


  7. I'm not a fan of TC fo's, but they get plenty of rave's -- so just boils down to a matter of opinion. I, too, think the majority of their fo's seem to smell alike, just can't put my finger on it. I've only found 2 fo's from testing more than a dozen that I like & I've been to the storefront & sniffed samples till my head was spinning. Not a supplier that I prefer, but excellent customer service & a very well run business. Seems like it should be easier, but we just have to buy & test to find what we like. One of my very fav fo's comes from TC & I would never slam them as a supplier, but they just don't have what I'm looking for.


  8. OK, I'll pitch a few ideas -- what about a play on words, Plain Great Candles. Or, maybe work the obvious w/ In The Sticks Candles or Corn Cob Candles. Indian influences, Red Cloud Candles, Flat Water Candles or Broken Arrow Candles. Geography influences, Chimney Rock Candles, Black Hills Candles or Weeping Water Candles. BTW, I was born in Omaha & don't possess an odd knowledge of any other states!!


  9. I'm also switching over to frosted glass this yr -- not so much to hide the finished product when I sell, but more to hide the random gnarly appearance soy can sometimes get after burning. Plus, I just think frosted is prettier ... this yr! <g> I guess you won't really have a good answer (for yourself) till you put some of those frosted candles out & get real feedback from the buyers in your area.


  10. I've actually watched customers pick through my display to pull votives that ARE frosted & then asked me why the other ones (the perfect ones!) didn't have the cool look!?! Go figure. Plus, I agree w/ the previous poster -- the public is more aware of the natural attributes of a natural wax & look for frosting as an indication that they're not buying paraffin. I'm not faulting anyone for the choice they make w/ their finished products, just saying I've come to terms w/ what I'm dealing with, educate the customers I have a chance to talk to & sell my candles proudly for the well-made product they are. Plus, no matter how well you control everything up to the point of sale, you can't control if someone leaves them in their car overnight (& they frost) or how they look after they burn. Instead of trying to disguise the nature of the beast, I'd rather promote all the good points. Soy is just the Ugly Betty of the wax world & ... ugly is the new pretty!!


  11. I try to test under the worst conditions - assuming most customers won't do the right thing, no matter what - & my zinc wicks mushroom badly during marathon burns. I always advise that a mushroom is a signal to blow it out & trim. I use nail nippers (manicure trimmers) to trim my wicks & they work far better than any pair of scissors, cause the cutting head is so small & sharp & doesn't bend the wick as it cuts. Not the answer to your question, but a helpful hint!


  12. I stay away from the fo's that are notorious for wicking probs, so think I'll just skip this one. Who needs an extra headache? The gift boxes have a lg beanpot container for the centerpiece, 2 filled flower pot holders & 4 votives. The box is wrapped w/ a big bow & there's a card w/ a welcome to your new home type poem. I get $40. if they pick the box up or $45. if they want me to deliver it. I do really well w/ these - all you need are few top Realtors that have several closings a month & it's a sweet sideline. I also do well w/ reorders from the people I meet when I deliver.


  13. I make gift boxes for Realtors to give to their clients & thought it would be nice to use HSH for the fo in the main candle. Since I don't know what the Yankee scent smells like, can anyone suggest a true dupe? I need to order from BCN soon & they have it -- any reviews for theirs?


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