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Posts posted by TxSioux

  1. Second of all they use Zinc cored wicks.

    I also use zinc wicks w/ my blend. I have almost eliminated frosting & jump lines. I personally think sitting in the middle of Tx w/ wicked humidity is the biggest problem for me. We all hate frosting & I can't tell you how many customers think it's cool & try to pick out the candles that have the most!! I gave up worrying about it & just count my money!


  2. I received word from one of my anonymous sources :wink2: that Beanpod does use a soy blend, but it does not have any paraffin in it. One ingredient is believed to be butyl stearate, which also goes by stearic acid. That ingredient is not commonly used in soy wax, but is primarily used (by crafters) in paraffin to increase opacity in molded pillar candles.

    Hmmm, maybe I will try a little to see if it helps any with frosting.


    After 5 yrs I have a 'blend' down that works well for me & PSA is something I have added to my soy wax for a couple yrs. I used to get slammed hard when I mentioned this, but seems to be not such a far-fetched idea these days. I used to give out my exact amounts, but have stopped doing that. I will tell you I add small amounts of beeswax, PSA & UA to each pound of wax. I use a vegetable blend UA that keeps my blend natural based. With this blend I'm able to use EZ Soy for votives & they're firm enough to withstand most anything the public dishes out. I got cracking when I started testing, but just kept pulling the beeswax down till I found what worked for me. Drop me a line if you decide to test this & I'll be glad to help.


  3. I like the font & I like that they're clean & sharp. I'm indifferent about the picture - don't think it looks bad, but is hard to see w/ that color. What if you used a picture of a candle flame? I tried using individual pics for each scent & gave that up very quickly. Also, I would think you need to put the ounces on the label. Is that a metro jar? I've been trying to decide new jars to use in '07 & am 99% sure I'm going w/ frosted metros.

    Good job - Susan.

  4. After 7 yrs in advertising I can guarantee you it all comes down to wording & how to best manipulate what is said ... or what the public thinks is being said! Here's one that might make your head spin: US labeling laws state that a candle can be labeled as beeswax as long as it contains 10% beeswax. So, a candle can be 90% paraffin wax & 10% beeswax, but you can label that candle as a beeswax candle. Unless you see 100% beeswax or pure beeswax you're probably not be getting what you think. I've searched high & low for soy requirements, but can't find anything. Tricky stuff, huh?


  5. Same here w/ toxic stuff not going out w/ the trash. We get hazardous waste days, but only like twice a year. It's such a pain trying to do things properly, but I do really worry about 1/2 the trash sitting in the dump & how it effects our environment. I've actually heard putting things down the toilet can be worse than down the drain. Kinda amazed no one has an answer.


  6. I know you can't use any PrintMaster artwork for commercial purposes, so I would guess the same would apply for most if not all the other software you purchase. Kinda doubt they would find you or pursue it too passionately, but not worth all the work to chance it. Actually, many fonts can get you into licensing issues, too. You just have to do a LOT of reading to make sure you're on track. Get your glasses out, that print is small!!


  7. Oh no, my bad! I read the supplier too quickly & gave you the wrong info. I was thinking about Just By Nature. I looked at the website ... good night, no wonder I didn't have this one in my favs!! This has to be the most expensive fo's I've ever seen. You can buy directly from Leburmuth cheaper than this & I always held them at the top of the scale. The 1st fo I clicked on was $47.50 for 16oz. Woof!


  8. I've gone through my fo's & have a few oldies & no longer goodies that I need to get rid of. What is the proper way to do this? I'm not a fanatical treehugger, but I don't want to just toss them in the trash & I can't imagine it's too great to pour down the sink. I thought about mixing them into my firestarter's, but some of this stuff really stinks. I just want it gone ... properly. Help.


  9. What got me started: I have a dog that needed $4,000. worth of rear knee surgeries & it became my 'fundraising' project. Little did I know how much $ I would need to get started & how much time was required for testing, but after 5+ yrs I think I've probably paid off my debt to this big galoot of a dog that I love so dearly. I named my business after my love for my pets & use Gabby's pawprint as my logo. I was the average yahoo remelting old candles in my kitchen & after months of research I started doing things right. I started on a very small scale & it just kinda took over as a passionate money-making hobby ... it also took over my kitchen!

    I pour all kinds of fo's & certainly not based on what I like. I follow the current trends people are asking for & always keep my personal favs on hand. If an fo sells I keep ordering it, but get rid of anything that sits around too long. Since I'm always testing, it's rather rare that too many candles are my true favs, but I will only burn my favorites in the bedroom!

    I've recently made the decision to put a lot more effort into what I do & plan to finally 'get serious' in 2007. I have all my combos of wax, additives, fo's & wicks down, so I'm ready to get busy -- plus, my husband thinks I make the best candles in the world. I guess after 22 yrs I'll finally listen to something he has to say! <g>


  10. Well, it started as humorously bizarre & now leads me to a quote by Albert Einstein:

    The difference between stupidity & genius is that genius has its limits.

    I love that one. Hasn't this thread exceeded 20 questions? Who communicates spending a whole page asking if everyone wants to see something? Which leads me to another quote: I don't want to hear about the labor pains, just show me the baby.


  11. Yep, that's what TomKat used for their wedding - I was wondering when the public would start asking for this one. They ordered 6,000 coffee & rose candles from a local chandler. I asked another group if this was 1 candle w/ both scents combined or if it was each scent in individual candles?? I, too, thought that was a really funky combo & even tried the q-tip test. It sucked, but in all fairness, I didn't have an actual coffee fo to test. I have Vanilla Almond Coffee, but it SO didn't mix well w/ rose. Could someone who has these fo's on hand please test them & tell us if it's worth mixing? I think Tom Cruise is crazy as a loon, so it must have been his idea!! But, hey -- I'll mix it & sell it if people want it!


  12. You might want to try Enchanted Vanilla from BCN. I'm fairly tired of it after 4 yrs, but my Mom would flip out if I ever stopped buying it! It sounds a lot like what you described - kinda hard to nail down, but something of a floral/perfumey note w/ the vanilla. Mixes & throws very well in soy.

    HTH - Susan.

  13. I would guess the mixture would work on most every odor. Every time I've done it the car just smells fresh & clean -- we also have dogs that go for rides & my husband is a sloppy eater, so it should work for everything. Never had anyone tell me to use a certain kind of apple - just get as many slices as you can, stick the slices in the coffee & leave it in the car as long as possible.


  14. I agree w/ everyone else - you will need to clean walls, carpet, bedding ... anything that can be cleaned. But, here's a tip from car dealers that might help - when they resell used cars & need to get out the smoke they put a bowl of coffee grounds w/ a sliced apple to pull the smoke out. Not sure why it works, but I've tried it & the car smells like new. Maybe you could do that throughout the house & it will help while you're scrubbing!!

    Good luck - Susan.

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