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Moody Glenn

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Everything posted by Moody Glenn

  1. Have you tried Save on Scents? Here is their website link: http://www.saveonscents.com/ They have a HUGE (and I do mean huge-huge) selection of fragrance oils. Since I only do soap I can not give you specifics on which ones to try for candlemaking. This link shows you the usage amount for all applications such as for candles: http://www.saveonscents.com/usagerates.php and this link shows the list of oils specific to what you are looking for: http://www.saveonscents.com/index.php/cPath/291_298 It's fun to go through the entire list. I have ordered from this company a few times and have been very satisfied with the oils and with their shipping times. I hope this is of some benefit to you and others!
  2. Hi Annie, Another name for the Federal Taxpayer ID number is an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Most banks now require using this number even though you are a sole owner. Your business is a LLC - a separation of you and your personal finances. You do not want to use your SS# because it identities you - not your business. The EIN identifies your business. Each state is different it its requirements so I would first suggest contacting you new bank manager and run things by him or her. Then I would suggest contacting a local tax accountant since all this revolves around the IRS. He or she can help you get your EIN from the IRS. I did mine myself on the computer and I made one mistake. Messed things up royal. It took over two months to get everything correct. Go with a professional!! As for filing your business taxes separately the tax accountant will again be the one to ask. Sorry I can not be more exact but again, each state has its own rules so it is best to contact a local tax person. You may have to spend some money but its worth having peace of mind so you know everything is set up properly for your business and the tax accountant will guide you. Remember - your LLC business is separated from you BUT you manage it. Sounds so confusing doesn't it? You will get used to it all!
  3. I agree - it most likely is a percentage of vanilla in the fragrance oils that made your bars go brown. I always make a point when purchasing FO's to always check if they contain any percentage of vanilla. If they do - I keep on looking.
  4. What beautiful soap! Congratulations. And yes, the outdoor shooting gives it a real tropical feel. Nice touch!
  5. Hi! I have not tried these but I do order some fragrances from these companies. Nature's Garden has "Cracklin Birch"; "Cracklin Firewood" and "Fireplace" (I did try a sample of this one and it does smell like wood smoke.) All got good reviews. For a little bit of adventure and silliness go to Save on Scents novelty fragrances ( http://www.saveonscents.com/index.php/cPath/291_366 ) and look for "Smoke" as in wood smoke, "Gunpowder" and for laughs "Skunk". Skunk got mixed reviews however....
  6. Hi Cynthia! Glenn is my first name. "Moody" is an adjective. It ties in with my (no blatant spam intended) business name. But, like everyone else, I have my full spectrum of colorful emotions. So far, today is a sunny yellow day. I hope your day is A-OK as well!
  7. OK Dave, You're on. Oh well, I can't resist the ladies. I will 'try' to hold back on my flirting. No promises on not trying. There is no fun in not trying! Thanks so much for your very kind welcome - and a 'thank you' to everyone else since my previous posting. I am honored to be in such good company.
  8. Just remember when making your own (as well as purchasing pre-made) that the mints, menthol crystals and (I believe) camphor in total will cause serious skin irritation. Use .50 of an ounce per pound of oils is the maximum when making cp soap. Adding too much will make everyone bathing scream like mad.
  9. A friend wanted me to make some beer soap. I tried a recipe but due to the alcohol it erupted like Mt. Kilauea on Hawaii. Thank goodness I soap in a sink so clean-up was safe and easy. As for my nerves, well...... haven't tried it again! My friend decided to drink the rest of the beer. That's gratitude for you.
  10. Hi! Did you find this program? If not, I did a Google search and here is a link: www.craft-business-management-system.software.informer.com/ (Copy and paste this entire link) It looks like you can get a free download.
  11. Hi! Wholesale Supplies Plus (www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com) has "Crafter's Choice Sinus EO & FO Blend 583" and it is very, very strong. Hope this helps you!
  12. WOW!! You are extremely talented! They are so very beautiful.
  13. Hi Karen! I'm a bit late to respond to your question. I have used this supplier a few times. Go to their site and on the left side of the screen is the navigation listing. Click - Fragrance & Body Oils. Then click "Fragrances by Category". Here choose "Bakery" or "Candy & Sweets". From there you will be overwhelmed by so many choices. Now here is an important point - which concentration to use. Near the top of your screen you will see a number three in a circle called "Usage/Concentrations". Click that link. Now it depends on what you make - candles, soap, cosmetics, etc. Use this as a guide and determine how strong you would like to order a scent. It is confusing but play around with it. if you want some laughs go to "Fragrance & Body Oils" then to "Novelty Fragrances" . Many are eye and especially nose openers! I hope this is of some help for you.
  14. That company is great! I especially love using the thick plastic bottles and the lye is in bead form. If you should have a problem with static electricity wipe the lye bottle (and top) with a drier sheet before opening and pouring. I attended the Ohio Soapmakers conference in April 2012. They traveled all the way from Florida to attend the one day event. It was great talking to them. I was able to get a free walking stick. Been using it ever since when taking my Katie Dog for her walks. Top notch service all the way!
  15. Hi everyone! I have not tried the beeswax method but have by spraying with alcohol and it seems to work for me. I remember my first batches ashed horribly until I forced my soap to gel (using a heating mat). The higher temps did something for when I unmolded and cut the bars did not develop ash. That being said, I do have some problems when using certain fragrance oils and they can develop ash right after unmolding. I have learned to spray with alcohol when using these fragrance oils. Even though there is nothing wrong with ash (being dried soap) it still looks nasty like a bar cover with white fungus. Yuck!
  16. Thank you all for your sincere welcome replies. I definitely appreciate each one!
  17. Hello everyone! My name is Glenn and I am a soapmaker. I was not sure where to post an introduction so I decided here would be a good spot to do so. There is an old saying “what goes around comes around.” Over the past few years you have helped me learn a bathtub full of knowledge about making soap. So now it is time for me to help contribute - in whatever ways I can. Hopefully, I will also make some good friends in the process. :smiley2:
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