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Posts posted by Brat

  1. I am burning a votive in what looks like a decent votive glass. It's from wal mart, and has pretty thick sides. Anyway, the glass is extremely hot, and I blew it out cause I was a little nervous. Is this normal? I have another votive glass that is too small, I had to blow out the candle before wax ran over the edges. Next time I burned it, it went fine, and the sides of the glass were just warm. Anyway, the taller glass is very very hot to the touch, do you all think it might shatter? Or am I just being a weenie? Thanks... :confused:

  2. I haven't used it yet, or really even set it up. It was just finished mere minutes ago. My sweet hubby set this up for me! There's another good foot and a half on each side inside the closet. Plenty of shelves, looks small, but it's plenty of room!


  3. You know, it's difficult for me to achieve a dark color with dye blocks. I'll add a bunch and the mix will look really dark, but then it sets much lighter. I noticed you have a liquid dye bottle in there. I'm thinking it's easier to use a dropper than trying to cut fragments off of a dye block....and you've actually achieved a dark color!

    These candles of yours look very clean. I tend to favor a mottled look, but the solid look is more photogenic. I think you did well, my friend.

    As for the scents, there are a few that seem to fill the entire room, while others are much more faint, even though I always use the same amount. Of course, if you're accustomed to the scent it may be more difficult for you to notice it.

    Of course, I tried doubling the scents in mine one time (from 1/2 oz. to 1 oz. per pound) and the result resembled some sort of crime scene:

    Much of the extra fragrance oil came right back out. I later learned that something called 'stearate' would help keep the oil inside. Anyway, go ahead and try more fragrance oil if you want...just don't get this mess above :grin2:

    Thanks for the compliment! One day when I figure out what I'm doing, I'll probably be able to duplicate it. I just hope I can get the FO stuff figured out. My second candle had an awesome mottle, and I'm not sure how I did that either.... oh well :confused::grin2:

    Oh I'll try hard not to make the mess you did.... it's funny seeing the result, but I'm sure it's not very funny having to clean it up!

  4. All the Hazelnut's I've tried have been pretty strong. How much FO did you use to how much wax? I haven't used that wax so can't help ya on that part.

    Your votives look nice though.

    I think I used 1/2 ounce per pound. I'm not real sure... think that's what the bottle said. But I didn't know how to really measure it, might have to get a small shot glass to measure out of, since I have a little digital scale. I've still got some scent left, I'll try to figure how to make it right! It stunk up the house while I was making it, but when it's lit I get nothing.

  5. Thanks!

    I made them about a week ago... I've got one burning now, along with an Asian Sandlewood container candle, and nothing. I'm guessing I didn't use enough FO. I've burned them on and off for a week, and if I get close to them I can smell just the faintest trace of scent, but the scent doesn't travel at ALL.

    I'll get it... I promise!:grin2:

  6. I used wick pins, but they all seem to look crooked. I might have to bend them a little to make them straight... Peak's coffee and purple, Peak's votive blend, recommended wicks for the votive blend, and hazlenut fo. It doesn't smell at all lit... almost singed my nose trying to smell one of them, but oh well. I'll learn! (hopefully)


  7. I used the method of putting the jars on a cookie sheet on paper towels, wiping them down, etc, and it worked beautifully. But... now my oven reeks of fragrance. How can I get rid of that smell? If hubby comes home wanting to bake something and the food tastes like fragrance, I may be in trouble LOL.

    Also, what method do y'all use to clean your utensils? Thermometers and wooden spoons and such? Do you do the same thing in the oven?

    Thanks so much for any help!! :grin2:

  8. I like it, and If that's you of whoever is in the picture, I love the hair. Very pretty color! -sidebar- :grin2:

    Thanks everyone! Yup, that's me.. not sure what color I had it dyed at the time, but it always faded to orange... not dying it anymore so I can rediscover the natural color... whatever that is...:grin2:

  9. Ok, thanks for the info!

    The hurricane was IGI 1014 in a seamless aluminum mold. I tried the fridge, the freezer, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour, tapping the sides softly, roughly, and finally banging the living snot out of it on the countertop. Got a few cracks that way... but it STILL didn't unstick at ALL. So, I used the knife and had to take a break when my arm got tired of pushing the knife between the wax and the mold... that baby was STUCK! I made two more today, using Pam cooking spray, and they came right out... lesson learned.. (but they still don't look very good)

  10. I've read where some of you burn your candles for a certain amount of time to test them. How long are you supposed to burn each type (pillar, votive, container...) to judge whether or not they are good or right?

    Oh, and a doh! question... I have a metal mold that I tried to make a hurricane out of. Well, it wouldn't come out so I had to destroy it to get it out. I used a (gasp!) butter knife to pry it out... and now I have gouges in the mold... can I sand the inside with sandpaper to smooth it or just throw it away and get another one, never to use a metal instrument on a metal mold again?


  11. That looks awesome! I tried to make a hurricane yesterday, but it didn't go so well.... It got stuck in the mold, so I had to destroy it to get it out. The parts of the pic I did see looked like there was way too much wax on top of it. I'll try again tonite, hope like heck it turns out half as awesome as yours!!

  12. I told you to keep notes. Now many people (not mentioning any names)will want to know HOW you did that!!!!!!!!! hehehe BTW......how much FO did you use? Looks pretty to me. Donita

    Ummmmmm most of a one ounce bottle...I didn't intend to add so much, but the bottle was slippery and fell into the pot... I had just enough wax in there to make that one little pillar:D

  13. It's the Yaley lavendar from JoAnn's. I have some other stuff that I want to try out, but I need more wax... I got Lilac, Hazelnut, and Honeysuckle from Lone Star Candle Supply that I'm anxious to use... gonna try to get that mottling thing down, cause I think it looks pretty cool!

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