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Posts posted by Brat

  1. I just got two of these in tonite, and wanted to try making Crystal Palm wax pillars, but I read somewhere that plastic molds won't take the heat of palm wax? I originally bought them for hurricanes, but wanted to see what the palms would look like as they set. Anyway, just curious, as I have a few aluminum molds to try tonite! Thanks for any help!

  2. I don't know if I'm gonna help you any, but here goes...

    I bought a small digital scale at Wal Mart. When I weigh my wax, or FO for that matter, I can set the pot or measuring cup on the scale empty, and it registers as zero. It has a little button that you push to set it to zero. I also use wooden spoons and a little butter knife to scrape excess wax off the spoon. If you have a presto and don't want to scratch it up, use the wooden spoons. I normally (and I don't know if it's totally wrong, but it's worked for me) stir the color/FO into the presto, then using the spout, drain it into the pour pot then pour. I use paper towels to wipe up the inside of the presto. Anyway, that's how I do it...

  3. Ok, I have 2 votives that came from different batches. They are burned down about the same, and made with the same wax. Peak's votive blend. Anyway, they're sitting right next to each other in their little glass votive holders, and the wicks are about the same length, but one of them is dancing around a lot. The one that isn't dancing has a little more brown dye, but that's the only difference... Just wondering what causes the dancing, I don't really like the flame bouncing around so close to the glass.... thanks!

  4. I'm using Peak votive blend MP 130 and Just Scent Creme de la Creme and haven't had any luck with it. I used one ounce per pound, then 1 and 1/4 ounces, neither has worked. They just aren't stinky :cry2: . Has anyone tried this combo? Are there any "known issues" with either the wax or the FO? I'm getting very discouraged now... Maybe should I go up to 1 and 1/2 or 2 ounces per pound? Wondering if I have candle nose... I'd like to be thanking you all in advance...

  5. I'm looking for a smell of burnt rubber. The kind you smell when you do a burnout in your car... anyone heard of a scent like this? Accidentally made a mistake that smelled like it? Can I sweep up the rubber off the road after a burnout and melt it with the parrifin? I don't know if anyone even makes it, but I did get some burning rubber candles from a specialty store (they really didn't smell like it). Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated!

  6. I got one at Wally World the other day, and my sweet hubby drilled it out and made a spout for me. I'm using it right now to make some votives for the swap. All I can say is Holy WOW!! That thing melts the wax FAST!!! I used the double boiler method on the stove, and I swear, I was standing there watching it melt for an hour! That Presto had it melted in just a few minutes. I didn't even have it on high, just below 200. I had no clue it would go so FAST! If any of the other newbies are using the double boiler, get a Presto! I'm still in shock! Oh, and be sure the spout is closed before the wax starts to melt....:grin2:

  7. I'm burning 6 candles right now, and when the flame looks a little long, I blow it out and trim. Not sure this is the way to do it, but it makes me feel better. Now I just have to find a place where the a/c and heater won't blow the flames around. What's a power burn? Is that like an all day, burn it until it's gone kinda thing?

  8. I agree, this site IS pretty fabulous! I don't know much about this stuff myself, but I think I've read that it's something like an ounce of FO per pound of wax. I may be wrong, the last candles I made weren't stinky at all, but then again I didn't measure anything. I know, dumb, but hey... wanted to make sure I could do it without burning down the house... anyway, I'm sure you'll get everything you're looking for on this forum, these people rock!


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