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Everything posted by nicswicks

  1. For a business I'd recommend using pages. If for nothing else, they show up in google search results where groups do not, and pages will provide with some analytics once you get enough people liking the page, The group will not. I'm not sure if you can pay to advertise groups, I know you can with pages though. Here's a couple things I've found. https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook/facebook-tips-whats-the-difference-between-a-facebook-page-and-group/324706977130 http://brianshim.com/webtricks/facebook-page-vs-group-in-2013/ As for which addy to advertise, use the business page address for anything business related, business card, flyers, Facebook Ads, ect. The other thing with Facebook is the people and pages that people interact with most, get priority to show up in their news feed. That's why on your personal page you'll have a few people constantly showing up in your feed, but people that post all the time but you don't interact with, hardly ever show up. Business complained some about that policy change, since it made it harder for people to see what they post if they never go to the page. Facebook compromised by charging them for sponsored stories and thats how they came to exist. It's also why so many things say share for this, like for that. So, If you can engage people, your posts show up in the news feed for free, if you don't you have to pay facebook to get them there if you so choose.
  2. Adobe is going to be up there amongst the industry standards. While it is extremely expensive (indesign is $699 by itself) to buy the programs, Adobe does offer monthly subscription plans. for a single program it's 19.99/month with a 1yr commitment, or 29.99 for a month to month plan. http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/buying-guide.html If you can learn computer programs fast, and don't plan using the layout program often, the month to month plan could turn out to be the cheapest route for one of the best programs. You'll want to figure in the time it takes to learn the program well enough to put something together (I'm sure you can find numerous tutorials), also the time it takes to actually put your catalog together. Sketch it out on paper before purchasing the program to get an idea of what you want then work it into the program. For catalogs you also have to look beyond the software. You want high quality higher resolution pictures Quality paper Quality printing Binding In the vast majority of situations, a home printer is not going to be the best option for a professional looking catalog. There are times you maybe able to get a way with it, just know your audience. Regular printers do a good enough job for everyday items, not really a great enough job for something you're using to persuade people to purchase products from you. it will also take more time than to print them off then it'd be worth for the quality you receive.. You also need better paper than regular copy paper and for some papers, a regular printer won't print well on them. I would recommend at least talking to a print shop. whether it's a local print shop or something like staples. They will let you know which program they use and what document formats they accept. They may even offer design services. They'll also be able to give you an estimate, and ideas for binding. There maybe an option to have the pages printed and then you bind them yourself using something like a comb binder.There's also other various types of bindings each one uses a different contraption. Personally, I feel comb binding is a good option. outside the cost of the machine, the binding is cheap, but still has a professional feel. While a print shop will cost more, the time they spend printing the catalogs, you can spend making candles. You'll also have a great looking product.
  3. Here's the Facebook FAQ's on notes, I don't know if it'll be much help. https://www.facebook.com/help/www/488014787881885 Notes is what is a called a Rich Text Editor. Pretty much these are really basic text processing things for the internet. The formating they will accept is extremely limited. To my knowledge, things like colors and different fonts won't transfer over, and there is no way to put them in while editing text to the facebook app. You can still use bold, italic, underline, bulleted lists, and the few other things mentioned under the "how do I format a note" section on the FAQ, I'm not familiar with Libre, the help I can give is limited based on that. If you're doing a lot of formatting, it maybe just that notes won't read it. The text program maybe a better option if its similar to word as it will also have very few formatting options similar to note. For spacing issues, you maybe able to try dong something like: <p>insert your text here</p> <p></p> <p>next section of text</p> <p></p> is the beginning and ending paragraph commands in html, With what I typed, it'd show up as: insert your text here next section of text From my testing, if you have the <p></p> in note, it'll accept it in the preview, if you go back to edit, note takes out the <p></p> so you don't see it, but it still keeps it there in its memory. Hopefully this helps and I didn't confuse you. If you need more help I'll see what I can figure out:smiley2: -Nic
  4. There's a sticky at the top with a link to the various soap/candle suppliers in each state. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?55309-Supplier-by-State DPS, is located in New Lenox between Chicago and Joliet. Which is about an hour from me. Unfortunately, there just doesn't appear to be a whole lot in our neck of the woods.
  5. If you ever did decide to start as a business, check out SCORE. http://www.score.org/ They have chapters all across the US and will be able to help you start out with planning and getting set up at the state level with taxes and licenses.
  6. An LLC will protect your personal assets in most but not all cases. Business Insurance will protect the LLC.
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