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Everything posted by Soja

  1. Hi All... As I said earlier, I have been crusing both the old board and new one for pictures of you people's fantastic candles. I 'borrowed' 2 ideas and made my Linda a Christmas candle and another just for the fun. Both of these you probably have seen from the people that first made them but I thought I'd try. It's difficult to see on the white one that the inside color is turquoise but whats so outstanding is the mottling that shows between the color and the white wax. It makes it look crackled. The christmas one speaks for itself and Linda Loves it! Both are scented but I've forgotten what we used. I take no notes.... My thanks go out to the artists who share their creations on this forum so we can all enjoy.:highfive: Have a wonderful Christmas... Soja
  2. Where would you get a corrigated mold? I know I would mess up using cardboard. Soja
  3. Using a manual spigiot. An electric one is just something extra to go wrong. My spigiot is a manual, ball valve spigiot. Ball valves have no washers so you can 'heat gun' the valve if it plugs. Wouldn't be with out a spigiot. Soja
  4. After 72 tons of wax and 14 years of trying I finally made a marble! Here are 2 views of it (Linda likes it with the grubby side up.) along with a B&W chunk I made while waiting for the marble wax to cool to the right temp. I think I might have the hang of it. BTW... I went thru the ENTIRE old board looking at others candles and I must say they're the most awesome examples of candles I have ever seen. You people do fantastic work. Soja
  5. Here a few gifts Linda and I put together last night. Happy Thanksgiving. Soja & Linda
  6. Thank you all. I'll report tomorrow on my sucess. Soja
  7. I need to know FAST how to get Ivory color in candle wax. The candle will be opaque and layered but one or more layers have to be Ivory. Any help???? Thanks. Soja
  8. So do I... I installed a "Ball Valve" in my Presto. Ball valves do not have rubber\plastic washers in them so when the valve gets clogged, I just heat gun it till it runs free with NO worrying about burning a washer. Valve and other hardware at Lowes. Will send picture if requested. Soja
  9. Here's what I've been doing. The heart is just scraps thrown into a glass dish we got at Wallyworld. The square is just a test of Black and White. The pillar is dark purple and black layered, for my Son but the rustic kind-a covers up the layers. Funny, when you don't want rustic, it's all over the place! Then, when you want it, NOT! HMmmmm................ Soja & Linda
  10. Here is a candle my Wife wanted to make for her Granddaughter. All pastel and foofy. I helped. Too much white dye in the top layer. Had too much red so we tried to make it pink. The lavender layers don't show up too well either. Soja & Linda
  11. For me it's just practice-practice. But I gotta pour a black and purple candle for my Son. Gonna go thru the old Gallery for ideas. Soja
  12. AWESOME! Please let us know when you have the instructions. Your camera is digital?? You probably didn't have it on "Macro" mode. When you get that close, it helps to get to macro mode. Also... On most cameras there is a setting to control WHAT the camera focus's on. It can be averaging or spot focus or somewhere inbetween. If you need further instructions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Soja
  13. Thank you all for your imput. I am using up a case of IGI 1218 and I believe I used Universal Additive in the rustic. I'll try a water bath next and IGI 1343 next. The burgandy chunk... My WIFE, Linda made that one! :highfive: The red and white one, I poured some red wax in a cookie sheet and used the mold itself for a 'cookie cutter', took the cool squares and stacked them between chunks of clear wax. Poured hot and used heat gun to try to smooth the sides. Didn't work too good. The white/blue/green one was supposed to be a marble. That failed although I like the effect. Soja
  14. Hi All.... Here are 2 pics of my latest and I need some answers please. I have been trying to make a layered rustic (see pic) and the rustic is not even on the candle. It changes with the layers. What am I doing wrong? I keep the mold cool but one layer warms the mold for the next layer then it don't rustic as well as the first layer. If I refrigerate the mold, the sides cool too much and pull from the side and I get leakage. (see pic) :embarasse Please help. (Sniff...) Soja & Linda
  15. I'm afraid I don't remember too much of the 60's... Or the 70's for that matter. What were we talking about?????
  16. Mtngrl..... Here are 2 more pics. I put green chunks and ice cubes in the mold, poured IGI 1218 with nothing in it so it would stay translucent. Then when the ice melted, I took it out of the mold, dried it out, poked some holes thru it (bottom to top) so the wax would reach all the ice holes, put it back in the mold and poured coral colored wax in. I think too much of the coral reached the outside of the candle cause of the shrinkage. I wanted more green but, oh, well. Oh, I used a wick pin. Thank you for taking an interest. I do not think I'll get plastic molds cause I use the heat gun too much. I'll just have to practice, practice and read. Soja
  17. The dye was not thin enough when I poured the ones on the right, I see that now. The one on the far left is a white and blue chunk with red overpour and the other one is an ice candle. I mixed ice and green chunks, poured, then put the candle back into the mold and poured a peach/coral in to fill the ice holes. Soja
  18. The 2 on the right were supposed to be marble. What happened? Can someone please comment? Soja
  19. AnitaG.... Let me tell you something.... I am the lucky one! I am so in love with Linda! :bliss: Soja
  20. For those that use mold release spray in their molds. I was contemplating buying some from the local craft store however I found the price to be almost 9 dollars! (I've seen it mail order for as much as $12.00!) My Wife, Linda suggested I try some no-brand name no-stick spray. She had one she got from a dollar store for less than 2 bucks! It worked super! I found that if you give as short a squirt as your fingers can manage about 5 inches from the mouth of the mold it works fine. Find the no-brand name stuff, the stuff named, "Pam" costs more. Comments ???? Soja
  21. My Wife wanted fall colors so here's 2. Left is not scented, I forgot!:embarasse Right is cinnimon. Soja
  22. Thanks for your positive comments people. The green one was made with some soft scrap wax that I cut into strips instead of chunks. I then poured a thin hurricane shell in the mold, placed the strips diagional inside the mold and pressed them into the still warm hurricane shell. Overpour was 1218 with ivory dye and pine scent. BUT, when the well started forming, I just opened up a hole and let it form for a day. The next day it had a big, deep well so I filled it with the green scrap wax. I don't know if this is why it has that green in the center or not but I'd like to think so. I'll try live goldfish next time....... JUST KIDDING! sOJA
  23. Here are my latest attempts at winning the Fugly prize! I seem to be able to get it to mottle when I want but Way too much dye in the orange one. It was supposed to be Coral! Also, too many bubbles and non-smooth surfaces. DONITA, do I do the Gloss Poly and heat gun here too? The green one was just an experiment to see what would happen, had no expectations at all. Comments please. Soja
  24. This is the other side of above first try.
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