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Posts posted by mindy5140

  1. I wish I dared to mix my own scents! I am too afraid that I will make something horrendous and end up wasting precious FO.

    Oh you have to try it, it's fun. I've made some great ones and I've made some disgusting ones, lol.. I use the Qtip method so I'm not wasting FO.

    (stick a Qtip of each scent into a bag for a day or two then sniff)

    There are several threads in this section with FO's that others have mixed.

  2. I have to agree, give them a discount and that's it. They will get used to getting the stuff at price and will be your biggest customers because of it and you wont be making any money.

    It's exciting isn't it? I remember when my family was excited for me now they tell me I don't need anymore candles, lol..

  3. There is alot that goes into a price,

    1) I'm sure that since Peaks is in Colorado they don't have the same supplier as an Ohio Company.

    2) The quantity, say one company might buy the least amount and the other might buy the highest amount. Big Price difference there.

    Not saying that's what's going on but the amount of Fo they buy does have to be put into concideration.

    3) Different suppliers use different ingredients to make the product.

    4) Each suppliers products are priced differently than others.

    5) Shipping plays a big part in it too.

    6) Profit, You have to include the bottle that they put the Fo's in, labeling, their time, etc...

    I bet if you bought samples from each company, of the scents you put on here most will not smell the same. What one person thinks Bayberry smells like is different from another.

  4. You shouldn't have to pay that 8.1% tax since schools are tax exempt. I didn't know they did fundraisers too.

    I figure we can't be hating people that sell scentsy, they are trying to make a living like us. With the economy like it is, I'm seeing more people want to have parties instead of buying so they can get free stuff. If anything we should look at it like an advertisement for our candles, scentsy is making candles more popular which in turn is helping us out.

  5. Thanks for thoroughly answering my question... :)

    On a down note...one of my kids accidentally knocked several of my candles off the countertop! I guess those are definitely NOT sellable...lmbo! It is so disappointing to see all that hard work shatter into pieces...oh well, accidents happen!

    Gotta go pour!

    Have you been paying attention at all?? What hard work are you talking about, lol??

  6. I wasn't sure about the buying/customer application, what's that all about?? I understand they want true customers out there but still. You just can't go to one of these you have to register.

    I looked up some of the companies most were chandlers, people that make crafts, most country primitive stuff, I really didn't find anything that was specifc for anything I wanted other than to see the products in person from a few of the companies I have ordered from in the past.

  7. Wow. Snippy. That is why I was asking. I thought that it may be a bit too much. I am still testing. But thanks for the input. Most of my candles so far DON'T have any hangup. Only these. Oye.

    If you thought that was snippy, then thank goodness I didn't post what I orginally was going to, lol..

    You asked what others prefer and I prefer not to have half of my candle wax on the sides of the Jar, it's not pretty, and it screams unprofessional.

    I was hoping that you said you were still testing, that's great.

    So wick up or double wick because many of had trouble wicking that style jar.

    Good Luck and Test, Test, Test ;)

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