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Posts posted by mindy5140

  1. I'm definitly not ready to start a business yet. But like I have posted several times, I have several testers and my friend is one of them. At first I was going to charge her for it but the candle only comes out to $1.50 to make and thats everything. Jar, lid, wax, wick, FO, labels, and decorative tie.

    She has been the best observer, and has been up front with all of my candles, if they suck she has told me. So I feel like I owe her for some odd reason. The person she is giving the candle to is a candle fanatic, loves them.

    I'm just wondering how I can get this woman to come back for more other than just my candle. Should I also give her a list of Fragrances I have tested?

    Do you think it would be stupid just to start selling the 8 oz jars or do you think I should wait it out till I perfect other types of candles??

    I do have a perfect name for my candle business but have been waiting till I had enough types of candles to file for it.

    Thanks to all that have posted, I really appreciate it.

    This board is awesome, I learn something new everyday.

    Mindy :yay:

  2. My friend wants to give a coworker one of my candles for her anniversary (lick me all over) go figure. I'm giving it to her free. Because I haven't sold a candle yet, I'm done testing the type of jar that she wants to give to her.

    100% satisfied with the testing that I have done on it.

    Anyways My question is, would you also give the person a freebie, like a tart of a different fragrance to sample or something like that. Or a free refill or am I being to generous.


    Mindy :)

  3. I always wanted to know what SOS was to, thats why I clicked on this subject.

    I'm interested in Feng Shui FOs, I bought a candle a few years ago that smelled awesom. And they have it, Meditation Exotica, and also Feng Shui is very popular over here where I live. I just thought it was cool that they had the FOs there and are pretty cheap. I haven't seen a company sell Feng Shui FOs before, I'm still new to all this, only have been making candles since August and have only ordered off of one company NG.

    I'm not a feng shui nut, but am practicing some of the basics, like I have crystals hanging up, bed isn't facing mirrior, nothing is blocking any corners in my house, my word I painted my bathroom Blue so I wouldn't be flushing money away-ha ha. I also have a 3 legged frog figurine.

    I know a little more info than you needed, I hope that answered your question

    Mindy :)

  4. I posted on here awhile ago about a woman that I work with went into my moms office, and was smelling my candles, so my mom let her have it because her husband was a way for 2 weeks and was comming home that day. And lets just say she loved the candle not only because of the fragrance but because of the name.

    She was in the mood and the name of the candle fit in perfectly.

    Some not all love the riska name, its totally up to you.

    Maybe you could just change the name when its appropriate, like showing it to your mother then rename it but if your showing your friends keep the name.

    Like I'm doing a candle bingo up where I live and was told not to take lick me all over by my bf because it wouldn't be appropriate because there will be older ladies there. So this post is also right up my alley.

    Mindy :)

  5. I thought I would add my 2 cents, I first bought a kit, just to see if I would like doing this and of course I did like it alot. Then I bought a 50 lb box of soy wax,4 FOs, 2 different kinds of wicks, and bought 4 cases of the 4 oz. jelly jars. Oh and liquid dyes, I spent a good $ 140, I honestly have no idea how much I have spent since then, and I do have to say I have about 20 FOs, every color dye, and have bought 2 different waxs since then, every kind and size of wick there is, and a few different jars now.

    Oh and I forgot about molds, I'm addicted to making tarts now.

    I have only been making candles since August, I have 10 testers, and each have a different opinion about my candles.

    I say I have about another year or 2 before I even think about selling my candles, Yes I have come up with a name and filed it but nowhere near selling them.

    I take my candles with me to work, so I can test them, testing is very important and very long.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is it can get very expensive, and timely.

    But Good Luck,

    Mindy :)

  6. My friends getting married this summer (July) and she is having an aquatic theme, she asked me and another friend of hers if we made floating candles which of course we don't.

    But I was wondering is there or has anybody seen any like aquatic themed molds for floating candles???

    I'm hesitant to do this but figure I have 6 months to test.


    Mindy :smiley2:

  7. Does anybody know if there is an exact or almost exact I guess dupe of

    Home & Garden Partys Coconut Lime.

    I did a fragrance search and found some companies that offer that fragrance but I was just wondering if somebody knows which company has the same scent as HGPs.

    I'm in love with that scent, I had to buy some candles for a fundraiser, so I bought scents that I don't make myself.

    Mindy :D

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