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Posts posted by mindy5140

  1. I use these and like them very much. They do not get in the way...no eyeballing...and so far, no wicks cut. .79 each with a price break for 100


    I use the same ones above, I love them. I used to use a clothes pin to but when I was testing the Kerr wide mouth jars, the clothes pin wasn't long enough.

    Mindy :)

  2. Your going to get this from everyone, yes, I'm sure we have all done that.

    I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my candles, I'm never satisfied.

    And testing wicks is a pain in the butt, what I have done lately is buy sample packs of the wicks, that I wanted to try in my candles. And have been testing them like crazy, everywhere I go so does my candle and my notebook.

    You'll find the right wick eventually.

    Good Luck,


  3. Wow, your post made me anxious. You need to slow down a little bit, and just test one product at a time. If your testing containers test them, don't go onto tealights yet. I know when I first started I couldn't wait to try everything, well I'm still testing containers but have dabbled in a few other areas to it just takes a little time.

    Mindy :wink2:

  4. With the square mason jars, I was having a heck of a time wicking them, the wicks I tested either mushroomed big time or drowned out.

    I was also having a major wax hang up problem. So that is when I decided to call the supplier of my wax and wicks. And since I have been double wicking, it solved both of my problems, not saying it will help yours but you could always try.

    But I do have to say it looks odd to me to have 2 wicks in such a small jar, but all my family and friends seem to like it, and that's who I'm trying to impress.

    Mindy :D

  5. I'm totally not ready for them yet, but just have a question.

    There is going to be a craft fair in April and they are charging $40 a table.

    Is that alot??

    They didn't say anything about how much space you will have but just said that it cost $40 a table.

    My friend who makes and sells her own quilts and stuff wants to go there but I thought it was odd to charge per table instead of a space, but who am I to say what is to much because I have no clue.

    Does anybody know if other craft fairs have ever done this??

    And if so what is your opinion about it??

    Mindy :)

  6. I'm getting ready to do another Candle Bingo, and the leader of the womans auxilery wants me to make up tarts for like a favor type of thing, everybody is going to get one.

    I really like Butt Naked but these are older mountain ladies, so I need a new name for it.

    I am so not creative and that is why I'm asking you guys, the creative ones.


    Mindy :D

  7. I use 100% soy wax from Natures Garden


    Banana Kiwi

    Rasberry Sorbet


    Cucumber Melon

    Honeydew Melon - 1.5 oz

    Bermuda Triangle

    Best Friends

    Bubble Gum

    Blueberry Muffin

    Apple Crisp

    Orange Clove

    Fresh Linen


    Plum Pudding

    Butt Naked

    Lick Me All Over

    Pink Lemonade

    Downy Clean Breeze

    Coca Cola

    Huckleberry Harvest

    And I'm sure there is more but I can't think of them right now

    Candles and Supplies


    Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin

    Cinnamon Bun

    Mint Chocolate- 1.5 oz

    Baby Magic


    Early American Candle Supplie

    Cappuccino Brulee

    Mindy :)

  8. I have followed the directions for months now and that has been the first time it ever done that. But this is what it says melt to 170, add FO at 130, and pour at 110. I do have to say, since I have been waiting till it is slushy to pour into my tart molds, I haven't had that result since. I now pour at 100.

    Mindy :tiptoe:

  9. My mom wants to start makeing soap, I think she is on crack but anyways she wants to make the kind that is hard to make, I don't know what she meant about that, but like I mentioned above, I think she is on crack. lol

    Could you all give me an idea on what is the hardest soap to make?

    Remind you I make candles and have no clue at all about soap.

    Mindy :)

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