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Posts posted by Crafty1

  1. i did a search and did not return any threads in regards to my question, so here it is

    has anyone found or made a knock off of the B&B guest bar set from FCS. i really want one, but can't seem to justify the cost. any help would be appreciated. thanks a million

  2. As for research and development, I like you, will be incoporating a shower gel or wash into my line. I will also introduce a hand salve. I am strongly thinking about bringing bath salts back for the Fall of 2008. Bath Salts are a hit or miss for me. So to sum it up, here is what I plan to have by the Fall of 2008

    All of my CP soaps will essential oil based

    Body Wash or Gel

    Lip Balms

    Sugar Scrubs

    Hand Salve

    Bath Salts

    The ones in red will be newbies

  3. for those who sell logs or are thinkg of selling soaps by the log, do you include and do and don;t list with your logs. currently when i sell my logs i inlude an ingredient list as well as when to use date. i was thinking that it would be a great idea to also include a do and don't list with it, such as how and where to store, etc. just wanted to get others thoughts on this.

  4. I do give out free samples with every order as well as to people I come in contact with. Samples has done wonders for us. We have gotten new and repeat customers. A word of advice, when sending out free samples with your orders, be sure to put what samples you sent in your database for that customer. In the beginning I was not keeping up with it and folks would ask about the sample that was included in their order.

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