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After a long 7 years

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I have decided to sell my business. Ive done this for 7 years and I have took this business so far and I know I have alot more to do if I stay. I have 21 wholesale accounts and many many other customers. I have met alot of great people. I know this will shock all of my store and customers when I make the announcement. My mom is in her 6th month of pancreatic liver cancer and the Dr said she would only live 6 mths. I have never lost anyone and I am not sure how I will handle this but all I know is that I want to have time with her and also time with my family when its all said and done. I think this is a time for change for me also. My main question is how do I determine the value of my business before I put it out there? Any tips or answers would be so great!

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I've never sold a business before but SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) is, in most cases, a free service where you can get excellent business advice. I've used them several times and wouldn't hesitate to go to them for advice if I were to ever sell my business.

Here's a link to an article they provide regarding steps to selling a business. http://www.score.org/resources/columnists/peter-siegel/12-steps-selling-small-business

Their website is http://www.score.org


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I've never sold a business, but I have been a full-time caregiver for my mother who was terminal with lung disease. Devote your time and energies into making your mother comfortable, and making the most of the sweet time that you have left. This is an intensely stressful time for all involved. I pray that the Lord grants you grace and strength to do all that you must do, and for your mother to have comfort and peace.

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I've never sold a business, but I have been a full-time caregiver for my mother who was terminal with lung disease. Devote your time and energies into making your mother comfortable, and making the most of the sweet time that you have left. This is an intensely stressful time for all involved..

I also was my Mother's primary caregiver (lung cancer) she lasted much much longer than anyone predicted. Putting my life on hold was the best thing I have ever done in my life. You cannot get those moments back, ever. Good luck to you, OP, no matter what you decide.

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My brother had pancreatic cancer also, he was only 49. I miss him each and every day. He was my hero. I have never been through anything so hard in my life. Watching someone you love go thru that kind of pain is so very very hard! If i could of traded places, I would have. I would spend as much time as possible with her. Love her to pieces! Sending Prayers for her and you! I'm so sorry you and you Mom are having to go through this!

Big hugs


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Thanks to you all. Although I do not know how much more time I have with my mom I just think this is the best decision. I cannot imagine continuing this when she passes, I do not know what mind frame I will be in. My mom is 49 also and I am her only caregiver. The 29th of this month will make 6 mths. She gets worse everyday so I know that I need to give all my attention to her ;)

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