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Hmm im itching from my M&P itch?


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Me and my wife would like to thank all of you guys for the advice and support this community freely gives out. we finally have found two hobbies where we have some common ground in interest and skill level (zero lol). (Amazing considering we are on year 10 of marriage)

At any rate we made our first two batches of melt and pour soap .

The first aptly named by our son as dinosaur eggs

16oz Goats milk

1TBS Honey

1 tsp lemon zest

.5tsp Coconut Oil

1 tsp Vit E

.5 tsp Glycerin

.5 oz Lemongrass and sage FO (LS)

The second

16 oz Goats Milk Base

1 tbs Goats Milk

1/2 tsp Glycerin

1Tsp Castor Oil

.25oz Mac Apple (LS)

.25oz Pumpkin Picking (LS)

Sprinkled bottom with Cinnamon

**Ohhh Im sure you can see the bit of silver on the soap? I assume this is the anti stick coating on the mini loaf pan we used. It wipes right off

The first was a bit harder than we thought Any ideas on how to "Soften" this up ?

The second smelled fantastic but really firm to. I actually used it in the shower this morning. The problem was about 5 - 10 minutes after drying off my skin started to itch. No rash no anything just a bit itchy. The FO's say they are skin and soap safe anyone have this happen or have more info you need?

Thanks in advance for and help and thanks for taking the time to read this lengthy post




Edited by traok
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@Bells says Max 13% so we should have been WAYYyyyyy under that.

Trying the dino out after I finish cutting the grass. Is there something I should know lol.. Cause if you know my left arm will fall off or Ill sprout another head...Wed be great-full for a heads up

will post more in bit thanks for all the help



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lol. Nothing as severe as that traok.

I have the itching sensation with all M&P. Many of the surfactants and such in M&P just don't agree with my dainty as a baby skin. Which confounds DH who thinks I'm a tough aging bird.

If you don't itch with the dino egg, and you do the other, it makes the cause easier to narrow down to the fragrance and/or spice.

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