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Tealights & Tarts......Test or no test?

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Where the heck is Stella? I thought she would for sure added her 2cents in along with the rest of us. Im getting to miss her and I hope she is still apart of this community.

You know, I was just thinking the same thing. Although it did get out of hand sometimes, there are situations where her tongue lashings are definately in order...and this is one of them. LOL :)

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Where the heck is Stella? I thought she would for sure added her 2cents in along with the rest of us. Im getting to miss her and I hope she is still apart of this community.

Some of us had a fight with Stella and she quit posting here, but I see her logged on sometimes so she must be reading.

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I've sat here for a week and watched this guy, and I just had this long drawn out comment..... and I deleted it for the simple fact that while I do understand asking many newbie questions, this guy has NO intention of doing a damn thing for himself........ I just pray he doesn't blow himself or someone else up in the process.

God be with you Adam, because you definitely need His protection because you are a damn danger to yourself and others.

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Justa, I think I can speak for quite a few when I say that we welcome many questions from newbies. We gladly answer them to the best of our ability, but we can usually tell when someone IS truly putting in the effort to research and have some sort of a clue what they are getting into. Heck, even as "not so newbies" we someone ask each other questions that to others, makes them go " well DUH you should have known that LOL ", but to sit there and hear someone say they "don't have time to do the research or testing" ...and then, as you said above, have an "entitled" or combative tone, repeatedly over and over... it just doesn't sit well.

When I first read his posts, I was all for helping the guy, even though I don't do candles like he's wanting, I knew that I could offer some advice in other areas that he was touching on, or needed information on.. but his attitude made me just sit back and watch. I started out differently from most, yes yes yes I adore candles and spent a small fortune on them yearly, but for me, this was a business. Not candles, because of all the massive testing involved, the need for relatively quick money ( within the first year or so ) and I couldn't support the money that testing candles/jars/wicks/fos/colors would incur, so I went into doing many different things in this business first, that I could learn, test, perfect, and sale faster. I figured I could give him a little different perspective that yes you CAN start this strictly as a business and make it work, but the need for testing and money and safety involved, could not be skipped no matter how much help you got from the boards.

I just don't honestly see any "helping" this , not now.

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