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Ideas for getting candle out there


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Hi everyone for those of you who sell your candles, can you give me some ideas as to how to go about it. I have been making candle for 3 yrs now and have been getting good reviews from friends. I would like to have it as a part time income generator but need info as to how to go about it.( i live in New Jersey)

1. How do you get people to know that you make candles?

2. Do you give out samples?

3. If you do what size do you give?

4. Do I need a license to sell at holiday craft shows?

5. Do you charge taxes separately or is it included in the price of your item?

Thanks everyone for all your help.

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I started with my local SBA office which gave me the info on licensing and registering a biz name. You can find the Small Business Administration (SBA) online and find your local office thru them. Also check out your state dept of taxation to register your biz and for getting info on collecting and filing your sales tax. Its best to have your biz insured if you plan to sell.

To find craft shows check out your local chamber of commerce or tourist bureau for upcoming craft shows and farmer's markets. Once you start doing craft shows talk to other vendors who can give you info on more shows.

Getting out to your customers is how you get them to know your products. I find craft shows one of the best ways to do that. My candles are right there for customers to look at, smell, and pick up so there is no need to give out samples. HTH.

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