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Wicking question for 9.8 oz Dodec with 4630 and 4786

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Just a question about wicking. I have already made some candles with 4630 wax and 44-24-18 Zinc Core in the Dodecagon jars and it seemed to be ok. Everybody loves them. I have any complaints but I havent really tested anything else. Anybody else use this wax in these jars? What wick have you found that work?

Also, I recently made some candles with 4786 wax with the same wick in the same jars and it wasnt too successful with the HT (I also mentioned this in another thread). I went ahead and ordered wicks from CS as per their wick guide. They recommended the LX 18's. I just got the shipment in earlier today but havent had a chance to pour any yet. Just curious what wick you all have success with using this wax and jars.

Thanks again. This forum is such a great place. Ive been reading on here for about a month or so but just recently started posting. Thanks again! :)

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I googled the jar to see what it looked like, and they are almost round. I don't know what size you are using to take a guess at what wick you need.

However, I DO know that some fragrances work and some don't. I don't know how many you have tried before questioning the wax. Also, how are you testing the hot throw. I find if I've had a candle burning for several hours and I don't think I smell it I will leave the house or go downstairs for at least 15 minutes. Obviously the candle is in a safe place. Then when I come back I will see if I smell it. Many times I'm surprised and it has filled the house and I just didn't notice because I was used to the scent.

Also, the candle science wick guide is just that, a guide. It's not written in stone, so you may need to wick up or down according to the color added and the fragrance oil. I wouldn't depend on just one wick, but I would have the LX-14 through LX-20 in case you test the LX-18 and it's either too big or too small. I use the LX-Series and I am very pleased with their overall performance.

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Well its weird cause now Im hearing from other people how they loved the scents, the same one someone else said was very faint. They was both from the same batch.

I just use the guide as a starting point then adjust if I need to. Im going to put off the 4786 for a lil while and stick with the 4630 wax. Another problem though is I went back to the 4630 wax with the same FO and wicks and Im now experiencing the flame is getting very small after about 15 - 20 minutes of burning. The only thing different is on these Warm Apple Pies is I added a half a black dye chip to darken the red.

Any thoughts?

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I automatically wick up in my tests when I use a darker color, so maybe adding the black to red, two dark colors to begin with you need to wick up, especially if you are getting a wimpy flame in just 20 minutes.

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