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AH/RE Pink Sugars


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AH/RE carries 3 different Pink Sugars

Pink Sugar

Soap-n-Candles (SNC)


Pink Sugar type

KY Candle Wax (KY)


Pink Sugar type (Aquolina)

Best Seller!


Has anyone tried all three? Which one do you think is the strongest OOB? I've only tried KY's Pink Sugar, and I love it. Very strong.

I'm curious to see if anyone has tried all 3. :rolleyes2

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Sorry but I've not tried it either, but what I can say is :

BCN carries the Aquolina type and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT !

But, it is also one of the ones that I have started getting at Aztec ( just 30 miles down the road so no shipping and I can have it in hand in an hour ) and it's identical to BCN's Aquolina type.

So really, all I can say is , if you're going to try one, try the Aquolina type one.

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I currently use NG's and SOS.

NG's is REALLY good for blending.. It sucks in B&B products.. doesn't smell like Pink Sugar to me (I have the real thing).. but in wax, melting/burning, it's pretty darn good.

SOS Aquolina Pink Sugar (I think they just changed the name to "Pink Sugar Type" C&D maybe? lol) is really good in wax AND B&B products, but not nearly as strong as KY's.

Aztecs Pink Sugar is BOMB.COM in B&B products.. (haven't had it in any wax products)... Smells nice and sweet, not too musky.

I'm going to be placing an order today or tomorrow with RE/AH, so I'll make sure to get them as my free samples.

Edited by Beezy
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I'm revamping too, I got too enthusiastic last year with scents *I* loved and some didn't sell well. Also I'd love to hear more about the Pink Sugars too. I'm moving over to ICS again because simply the prices and shipping can't be beat.

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ok, I made 1 pound M&P loaves with all 3 Pink Sugar oils... IMO, the SNC is the most authentic to the real perfume. Smells like NG's but a lot stronger.... (I didn't like NG in B&B, but loved it in wax products).. The AH/RE version is pretty good.. more on the sweeter side, and KY is SUPER SWEET (my favorite)

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