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Tuscan Patchouli


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Needed an oil from southwest candle so I ordered some tuscan patch at the same time.

It is completely different from what GL and JBN sold. :cry2:

I'm travelling tomorrow, but will try to call and see when it changed or if the wrong scent was poured by accident.

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I really don't like it when a supplier tells me it's the same when it's clearly NOT. Then they tried to tell me its because the oil I have is old, so the scent would change.

I agree that some oils don't keep as long as others, but this is simply not the case with tuscan patchouli. She also told me they did not take over the whole product line, just the domain names. So , I will stop referring them when people are asking about GL or JBN. Funny thing is that I contacted this company back when they took over JBN, and they told me they would be carrying their oils.

I like the tuscan patchouli they carry and will test it. It smells closer to Angel type to me. I just wanted to let you guys know, it's not the same.

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When was the last time you ordered from them?

I'm wondering if they sent the wrong oil. It's so different from GL and JBN, but they were not really interested in exploring the possibility of an error on their part.

Six months ago, maybe...I order several pounds at a time so they'll last me a minute or two :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I've been comparing the "new" tuscan patchouli and it smells alot like Angel "type"

The tuscan I got from GL had a sweeter smell to it.

I think I will drive over there one day and have a sniff!!

I did contact the candlemakers store and they say they can dupe any oil. I like what I have from GL, so I'll be sure to save a couple of ounces for them to duplicate.

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