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Beer soap Question...


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So I want to give this a try over this weekend and there are a couple questions. Does using light or dark beer make a difference in the final product, and has anyone ever used non alcohol beer if so what kind of result. TIA

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Never used nonalcoholic beer. Make sure your beer is completely flat. You can also boil off the alcohol if you prefer. It will make it behave better when you add the lye. Darkness will affect color. Beer IMO gives soap a nutty scent. I like to complement this with a citrus EO. Corona with Lime EO was one of my favorites and Guinness went quite well with a little lemongrass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

has anyone ever used a beer FO in conjunction with the beverage? I find that the beer beverage's fragrance gets muted a bit. If I'm going to have a beer soap. I want it to be

supper beer scented, otherwise what's the point IMO.

Edited by rctfavr3
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Willow, the beer and lye will bubble like crazy-do not stir or you may have a volcano. If possible, use a larger pitcher than normal. The darker the better on the beer color-dark gives your a nice golden yellow soap. I do not scent mine.


Edited by eugenia
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has anyone ever used a beer FO in conjunction with the beverage? I find that the beer beverage's fragrance gets muted a bit. If I'm going to have a beer soap. I want it to be

supper beer scented, otherwise what's the point IMO.

Most of the beer fragrance oils I have smelled & used in my gel candles stink to high heaven - Like stale beer with cigarettes tossed in. I wouldn't want to bath in it.

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