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C-3, CDN wicks, USA I think I am ready!!!!

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Let them cure for at least 5 days and cool them slowly. I pour C3 much cooler than most but usually do a second pour because of it. If you havent tried it yet, tempering C3 really makes a nice difference...have fun!

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For tempering, I heat to 185*,hold it at that temp for a few minutes, then remove from heat-stirring gently throughout the cool down till about the slush, cloudy stage, then heat back up, add dye, add fo and continue as usual. There are threads on tempering and seeding...Stella has some great posts on them. I live west of Phoenix, so its already in the 80's here, so for now all I do is pour and let candles cool on counter on cookie rack...if its breezy (all my doors and windows are open now), I'll cover them with a large box...hth

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I melt the wax and then measure into another jug and add the FO and found that pouring down the side of the jug helps to prevent the air bubbles. I cool them in a warm over overnight and the tops come out looking fine.

I'm waiting to try the USA to prevent the wax looking horrid after the burns.

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Finding USA is a challenge here in Aus. There is a supplier of UA who says to mix it with their soy wax for tarts and such, but I just am not sure about whether to try it or not.

The tempering I am definitely going to try. :)

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UA is for parrafin and probably wii not work the same. If your local grocery store carries coconut oil (76*) try that instead-this also smooths out the wax after a burn. I used 1 level teaspoon to 12oz wax. I would NOT use both CO and USA together-that combo made a mess lol...hth

Edited by lmc
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I did try CO. But I've now run out of wax so am waiting for some more money to be available to buy some more wax and try again. And of course some more wicks and FO.

I am basically then going to start from scratch again.

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