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Rose water in CP


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I want to make my own rose water to add to CP. How do you make it? Do I make a rose hip tea infusion? And what properties does rose water add to CP? I would love to make a rosewater and milk soap sometime so just thinking now on how to prepare. Thanks.

Also, I know I saw rosemilk fragrance somewhere. I think it would make an awesome soap.

Aww--- just found the Rose Milk. Southern Soapers has it. Also, Tony's/SGS has Rose Hips and Jasmine. Both sound perfect for using rosewater and milk in my soap.

Edited by Candybee
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Funny cause I read on another forum about a soaper who loves using rosewater to her CP. I'm not interested in how it makes the soap smell or not. I figured that the rosewater will probably not scent the soap but if people like using the soap it must have some benefits to the soap. Wouldn't it be the same with using calendula or chamomile to your soap? Many claim they can tell the difference and that it makes the soap milder.

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I have never found that any "Water" like teas or the like have really made a difference in my soaps. That said I pretty exclusively make soap with fresh GM and when I have added things like aloe, etc it has been with GM as well, so I don't notice the difference. I just really can't imagine how teas and the like can withstand the lye monster and still retain their values. but yes, I know that there are soapers who swear by it. hopefully someone who does will chime in.

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