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image searching


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Here's a tip:

Occasionally I search the images of candles on google. This morning, I found one of my pics on someone elses site :mad:

If you have an online presence, it may something you want to look at occasionally. Just hold your cursor over the image and you will see the site.

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Been there and it is so violating. It's so important to watermark everything. If they are going to steal at least they are advertising your website and people know who they stole it from.

Is there a # on the site you can call and ask them to remove it? If it's ebay don't contact the person report them right to ebay and they'll delete all of their ads:smiley2:

Depending on what venue the image is located you can report them to their copyright infringement dept and it's handled pretty quick. I know most of the time people that steal are not so willing to remove their stolen content.

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