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palm burn time

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What duration should be the Max that you burn a palm pillar before giving it a break 3 hours is what I heard but is there even a time? I know jar candles you should since the glass will get hot. You let it cool down for 30 min and re light but do palm pillars have something like this too.

Edited by Gbhunter
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I design mine based on 1 inch of candle diameter per hour of burn time. I allow the candle to COMPLETELY cool before relighting - takes a couple of hours usually. Once I have the results I want, I powerburn to make sure I don't need to tweak the wicking somewhat. At home, I am a self-confessed, hopeless powerburner, Palm wax has a nice, slow burn that holds up well to powerburning, as Carole pointed out.

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Congrats, Mannie!!:yay: You figured out how to post pics!! Since you are using photobucket, you can copy the code that is labeled "img code" and paste it into your post wherever you want the image to appear!

Your pillar is a lovely color! It pays to burn palm wax candles in a shallow bowl since when they drip or blow out, they can make quite a mess. Because palm wax burns straight down then out, it takes several sessions before the outside shell will thin. If you wish to leave a shell, keep the heat centered as the candle burns down so it will not burn lopsided or blow out the side. For a 3" pillar, I use a CDN 10 or 12.

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