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Suppliers in Europe

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I am making Cut&Curl candles with materials I brought from USA, but now I am running low on reserves.

Can anyone point me to good suppliers in Central Europe ( I need pigments, dyes, fragrances, candle glaze, silicone molding materials)?


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Thank you, it looks ok, but they seem a little bit expensive. I am starting a business with candles so I need wholesale suppliers (like chemical labs).

Maybe someone from Germany can help(better transport options)?

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  • 1 year later...

Dear cane

,i'm from Greece, and also have the same problem,

i used a lot of type wax mostly from sasol wax, i bought many items from USA but the import charges and the shipping is too expensive. i'm a new art candle almost 1 year and i tried to find solutions by myself looking on internet, and everything about cut and curved candles, such a pigments, wax, titanium dioxide, acrylic glaze, and all the necessary details for cut and curl candles

i've made last week by myself a water tank with 14 vats on it, and i'm looking to buy the right wax, because the quantity is about 300 kilos for the beginning.

so if you want we can shear our knowledge together, i can help you for thinks that you don't know , and you to me,

to find all the correct products as required for cut and curl candles, and also the secrets of the contraction.

so if you are interesting please inform me, with PM


George from Greece

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