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I finally have my pour temp down and rarely get wet spots (on 16oz jar), frosting issues so far, are nonexistent BUT...my tops are not real smooth. Thx to your advice on here, since cooling on a rack and under a box I no longer have sink holes but I've had to resort to repours to get the tops I desire. I don't like using a heat gun cuz it brings on wet spots :angry2: so I would like to know if USA really makes a noticeable difference in the tops coming out smooth and even (the shipping cost is quite high). TIA I tried to move this over but couldnt figure out how:confused:

Edited by lmc
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Sorry I missed this LMC - IMHO it makes a difference. I use 1 Tbsp. PP of USA in my current formula.

You still have to deal with cooling issues - nothing changes that, but the tops I get are very shiny and smooth (unless I mess up on the cooling). It does help resist frosting to an extent. Because it has a higher MP (around 165°, if memory serves), you will see it in the wax until the temp is run higher than that. Be sure to melt to 185°F and stir well to remove all the air bubbles and to be sure the USA is well-incorporated into the wax. HTH

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Thanks Stella, I've not had any frosting issues as of yet :o but would like to make the tops smoother. I've been doing repours but would much rather skip that step if possible. Im going to order some USA and test it....thx again!

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