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two questions that may be dumb....


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So I want to look into liquid soap and see that you need KOH, I can't figure out what exactly it is, is it the same as lye?? Is it as dangerous?? I am avoiding making anything with Lye til my kdis are older, too dangerous.

and for the life of me I can't remember what vendor is C&S?

thanks for the help!!

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Not dumb questions at all. I felt EXACTLY the way you did regarding lye since I have two little ones. So I totally understand where you are coming from. But I was so intrigued that I just had to try it. So far, I've done two CP soap batches after the kiddos went to sleep, and I am super duper careful so that there's no way they could get to the lye or the uncured soap. It's a lot of fun, and I think my soaps turned out fantastic!

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HI! I also have kids and do soaping. I make sure it is up high and locked up. I use my liquor cabinet for these.

As long as you are responsible with it you should be fine. I treat it like any chemical in the house. I don't want them touching bleach or cleaners either.

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