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Pine Tar Soap


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I just made my first batch of Pine Tar Soap. I have family members that have severe cases of Psoriasis and I am hoping this soap will help.

I was a little nervous about using Pine Tar, just being unfamiliar with it. But to my surprise it was very easy to use. I did a lot of researching and found that you need to use at least 20% but not more than 25% Pine tar or it wont benefit the soap. I stuck with 20%.

I have to say that it does trace quickly. I had both the oils and the lye at 60 degrees. Once they are mixed together I used a whisk and it traced in a matter of 2 mins tops. Looked like brownie mix. It set up very quickly in the mold too. I am now waiting for it to be cool and then I will unmold and cut as recommended.

So at this time I can not comment on whether it was helpful, but I will post again once I have my testers use and report back. *Crossing fingers

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