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Premier 700 ?=LX26

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Have my wicking down for CBA but not the 464. I've tried LX, ECO, and HTP and I'm not satisfied with any of them. :tongue2: Took your advice and ordered sample pack from WickIt (what a great deal!) but they have SO many sizes to choose from...I'm trying to wick a 16oz canning jar with 3.20" dia using 464, dye, and 10% fo load...any suggestions to start me off would be greatly appreciated-the LX26 and LX28 worked best but not perfect by a long shot.

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I tried the ECO's...12, 14, & 16 they all performed poorly and drowned out in the 464. I ordered the premier's (sample pack) to try those in the 464 but have no idea where to start with the size because they sent such a huge variety lol...I may have to order some CD's from LS and see how they do since CS and Peaks doesn't carry them. The premier wicks look different from the LX's and eco's so I can't even attempt to match up the sizes :(

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Is that inside diameter? I use CDNs almost exclusively. They wick similarly to CDs in terms of size, but because of the wick treatment, sometimes there is a size difference... I use wide mouth canning jars and they wick well with a CDN 14 in the 8 oz. or 12-14 in the 16 oz. size. There is a new Elite line out now that has a different diameter, so I'm not real sure which one you are using...

Here's Wickit's recommendation chart so you can compare the Premiers... not a perfect match, but it should give you a starting point...


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Thanks for the suggestions...I'll order some CD's to try also...I wanted to give 464 a try and I can see this wax is going to take some time. Looks great when you tempur it but time consuming and I really like the look with colored candles so I'll just play around with this for awhile and see what I can come up with as far as the frosting goes. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I'm spoiled with the beautiful look of my candles using CBA and I've finally found a supplier whose FO's work really well and I'm happy with the ct and ht. The 464 is quite a bit more affordable but I cannot get it to perform (look) consistent-varies from fo to pour temp to wick etc...Now if only the CBA could get away with using a lower% of fo...Yeah, nothings that easy :rolleyes2

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Have my wicking down for CBA but not the 464. I've tried LX, ECO, and HTP and I'm not satisfied with any of them. :tongue2: Took your advice and ordered sample pack from WickIt (what a great deal!) but they have SO many sizes to choose from...I'm trying to wick a 16oz canning jar with 3.20" dia using 464, dye, and 10% fo load...any suggestions to start me off would be greatly appreciated-the LX26 and LX28 worked best but not perfect by a long shot.

Let's see-I use Premier and I really like them. I do a much smaller container with paraffin though. I would say an LX8=Premier 715, LX10=Premier 720, and LX12=Premier 725. Following this logic, you could try the Premier 755 or 760. If you liked the LX I think you will like the Premier wicks. HTH.

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Thanks! I test burned the 795 and while the flame is perfect its not giving me a full melt pool so I'm trying the 798...I do love the way these burn and look in the 464. WickIt is sending out some more samples including the CDN's so on with the testing next week ; )

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