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Chunk Question

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I am using J50 wax. Is this good for the chunks and for the pour? ALso, should I add FO to both or would the pour be sufficient? My kids can't wait to do chunks, so I suppose I will give it a try since the containers did well. Oh, I should add they will be containter chunks, not pillars.

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I don't think you can use the J50 for chunks...you might be able to make the chunks with them but they will be very soft and when you do your overpour it may melt them. Also, using J50 for your overpour will be quite opaque and will not show the chunks very well. When I do my chunks I scent both the chunks and the overpour and use a straight paraffin wax. I'm not saying it's not possible to use the J50, I just don't think you'll get the results you may be looking for.

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When I tried to make chunky containers, I used my votive wax for the chunks and J223 for the over pour. The J223 was just too soft to make chunks out of. Even though I placed the chunks up against the sides of the container they really didn't show up very good but I had nice chunks peeking out the top. Maybe someone who has some success here will chime in.

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Yes, you can use J50 for your chunks and for your overpour. Like someone else said, they will be soft. What I do is, after cutting them, pop them in the freezer for awhile and they'll release from the cookie sheet alot better. That and a little help from a scraper or spatula and they should come right out.

Have fun!!

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